WI型即Writer Independent,对两张签名图片判断是否为同一个人的签名
OfHSV即Offline Handwriten Signature Vertification,只使用签名照片进行判别
This project can achieve WI-type OfHSV signature identification
WI means it can determine whether two signature images belong to the same person in a writer-independent manner.
OfHSV refers to Offline Handwritten Signature Verification, which only uses signature photos for discrimination.
This project provides a simple code of VGG16+Siamese neural network, implemented using PyTorch.
Additionally, a web page has been created in this project. After running app.py, users can directly upload two signature photos on the webpage to determine whether they belong to the same person.
Update: The data set (CEDAR.tar.001-CEDAR.tar.011) was uploaded and unzipped using 7zip.
Attention: Because the difference in the signature images is small, it may take a long time to train to see the effect. In the data, the background color of real data and false data is different and needs to be preprocessed
- download CEDAR dataset
- run preprocess.py to label which pairs of images will be used
- run train.py to train it
- run ROC.py to judge it
Personal e-mail: [email protected]