is a fast and light-weight web vulnerability scanner. It helps pen-testers pinpoint possibly vulnerable targets from a large number of web servers.
- Scan common web vulnerabilities: Data Leaks / Directory Traversal / Admin Backends
- Extract API Endpoints from .js file, Scan Token/Secrets/Pass/Key Leaks
- Recognize Web Fingerprints: web frameworks, programming languages, CMS, middle-ware, open source software or commercial product name
Brute sub names for * * * with subDomainsBrute and then
send the output files to BBScan, scan reports are as shown below
Require Python 3.6+
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- 2024-05-27
- New Features:
- CMS识别功能,Web指纹来自 FingerprintHub Credit to @0x727
- JavaScript解析支持,提取拼接API接口,支持检测Key/Secret/Token泄露
- 通过正则表达式提取URL,From: Credit to @Threezh1
- 减少漏报:优化减少DNS查询次数,提高稳定性
- 减少误报:优化了误报验证逻辑
- ``界面优化:输出更加易用的Web报告
- New Features:
python -f urls.txt --api
- Scan from command line
python --host
python --rule git_and_svn -f urls.txt
--network MASK
You scan involve other IPs under the same network to a scan
--host --network 24
-f urls.txt --network 28
--fp, --fingerprint
Under this mode, only fingerprint scan performed only, this helps to save some time by disable rule/script based scan.
Gather and display all API interfaces extracted from .js file
--skip, --skip-intranet
Skip scanning private IP targets.
usage: [options]
--host [HOST [HOST ...]]
Scan several hosts from command line
-f TargetFile Load new line delimited targets from TargetFile
-d TargetDirectory Load all *.txt files from TargetDirectory
--crawler CrawlDirectory
Load all *.log crawl files from CrawlDirectory
--network MASK Scan all Target/MASK neighbour hosts,
should be an integer between 8 and 31
--skip, --skip-intranet
Do not scan private IPs, when you are not under the same network with the target
Rule Based SCAN:
--rule [RuleFileName [RuleFileName ...]]
Import specified rule files only.
-n, --no-crawl No crawling, sub folders will not be processed
--no-check404 No HTTP 404 existence check
--full Process all sub directories
--fp, --fingerprint Disable rule and script scan, only check fingerprint
Script Based SCAN:
--scripts-only Scan with user scripts only
--script [ScriptName [ScriptName ...]]
Execute specified scripts only
--no-scripts Disable all scripts
-p PROCESS Num of processes running concurrently, 30 by default
-t THREADS Num of scan threads for each scan process, 3 by default
--proxy Proxy Set HTTP proxy server
--timeout Timeout Max scan minutes for each target, 10 by default
--api Gather and display all API interfaces extracted from .js file
--save-ports PortsDataFile
Save open ports to PortsDataFile
--debug Show verbose debug info
--no-browser Do not open web browser to view report