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Obsidian GitHub Gist Plugin

GitHub release badge

This is a plugin to render the GitHub Gist in Obsidian.


The gist fenced code blocks will be rendered as a embed Gist view.

  1. With only the Gist ID:
  1. With the username and Gist ID:
  1. Specify to only show a single file in the Gist:

Example Image


Installing from the Obsidian App

Search "Gist" in Settings -> Community plugins, you can find and install this plugin.

You can check for an official guide.

Manually installing the plugin

Find the latest release:, then copy over main.js, manifest.json, styles.css to your vault's .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-gist directory (ex. VaultFolder/.obsidian/plugins/obsidian-gist/).


Develop the plugin locally

  • Clone this repo to a local development folder. For convenience, you can place this folder in your .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-gist folder.
  • Install NodeJS, then run npm i in the command line under your repo folder.
  • Run npm run dev to compile your plugin from main.ts to main.js.
  • Make changes to main.ts (or create new .ts files). Those changes should be automatically compiled into main.js.
  • Reload Obsidian to load the new version of your plugin.
  • Enable plugin in settings window.

Releasing new releases

  • Update the manifest.json with a new version number, such as 1.0.1, and the minimum Obsidian version required for your latest release.
  • Update the versions.json file with "new-plugin-version": "minimum-obsidian-version" so older versions of Obsidian can download an older version of your plugin that's compatible.
  • Create new GitHub release using your new version number as the "Tag version". Use the exact version number, don't include a prefix v.
  • Upload the files manifest.json, main.js, styles.css as binary attachments.
  • Publish the release.