Be careful, this a very preliminary version that could contain bugs.
Visualisation of multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees.
- Does not need any server
- Display phylogenetic tree (newick format)
- Display multiple sequence alignment (MSA) (multifasta format)
- Display MSA overview
- Select sequences in the MSA from the phylogenetic tree (the names of the sequences must correspond)
- Display position tracks above the MSA overview and detailed view (text file with one position per row)
Here :
You need npm installed on your computer
git clone
npm install
npm run serve
Now you can use alitreeviz directly since it does not require any server.
npm run build
npm install --save alitreeviz
<alitreeviz />
import Alitreeviz from './views/Alitreeviz.vue'
import 'alitreeviz/dist/alitreeviz.css'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
Note: For the moment, I don't know why, margins might be added so that the component becomes centered in the page...
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build