CS50w Project 2: Django E-Commerce Website
The app let's users browse, bet and comment on e-bay like auctions, as well as create their own listings. The app supports auction watchlist.
Contains Django models that define structure for the stored data:
- Listing - contains information about every listing.
- Bid - stores all user auction bids.
- Comment - stores all user comments.
- Watchlist - stores all items added to the user's watchlist.
- Winner - stores winners for every listing.
- Category - stores every listing's category.
Contains views associated with each of the routes.
Contains URL configuration for the app:
- / - main page, shows all active listings.
- /login - login interface.
- /logout - logout interface.
- /register - register interface.
- /categories - sorts all listings in categories.
- /category/<category_name> - shows all active listings in a given category.
- /listing/<listing_id> - show the listing.
- /create - let's user create a listing.
- /close/<listing_id> - let's user closer a listing if he/she is the creator.
- /bid/<listing_id> - let's user bid on the listing.
- /comment/<listing_id> - let's user comment on the listing.
- /watchlist - shows user's watchlist.
- /watchlist_add/<listing_id> - let's user add listing to their watchlist.
Contains HTML templates, in particular:
- index.html shows all active listings.
- listing_show.html displays information about a given listing.
- listing_create.html let's the user create their own listing.