A nail bitting tale about the greatest detective🔎 of all time⏳ who turned rogue to save a family 🌎 For detailed story, read - Final Story
- Run the main.py file
- Where options are given for 1. Yes or 2. No, only enter numeric values
- Used turtle 🐢 library to display content
- Used hangman 😵(from week 8 studio) for the prison unlock pin 🔐
- Used 'time' ⏳ library to pause the code.
- TMDB API has been used to get movie details 🎬 as per user requirement.
- Program divided ➗ into different modules and functions to maintain code quality 🧑💻
- Easy to choose input options 🔢
- Attention to detail in the story 🎦
- The color chosen by the user has been used as a part of the story 🚕 🔫
- Reused codes from previous labs and studios!!!!♻️