React hook for panning & zooming element
npm i -S use-pan-zoom
import React from 'react';
import usePanZoom from 'use-pan-zoom';
const App = () => {
const { elemRef, style } = usePanZoom();
return (
touchAction: 'none',
transformOrigin: '0 0',
transform: `translate3d(${style.x}px, ${style.y}px, 0) scale(${style.scale})`
const values = usePanZoom(options);
values: (Object)
- elemRef: (Function) a React Callback Ref
- style: (Object)
- x: (Number) x position
- y: (Number) y position
- scale: (Number) scale ratio
- setStyle: (Function) style setter
options: (Object)
- minScale: (Number) minimum scale, default
- maxScale: (Number) maximum scale, default
- bounds: (Object: {x?: [Number, Number], y?: [Number, Number]} | Function: ({ scale }) => Object) element position bounds, default:
{ x: [-Infinity, Infinity], y: [-Infinity, Infinity] }
- onPanStart: (Function(event)) pan start callback
- onPan: (Function(event)) panning callback
- onPanEnd: (Function(event)) pan end callback
- onZoomStart: (Function(event)) zoom start callback
- onZoom: (Function(event)) zooming callback
- onZoomEnd: (Function(event)) zoom end callback
- multiple refs integration
const App = () => {
const myRef = useRef();
const { elemRef } = usePanZoom();
return (
ref={node => {
myRef.current = node;
If bounds are calculated based on the current scale, use scale
from parameters instead of style.scale
, because style
is a React State, the value could be staled until the next effect
e.g. limit pan zoom inside parentElement
bounds: ({ scale }) => {
return {
x: [parent.width - element.width * scale, 0],
y: [parent.height - element.height * scale, 0]