This is the species_value.csv
file in the data
folder. Define species to use in the analysis. These can be single species, age classes, functional groups, or even environmental variables. Assign a value to each species for each objective criteria. These can be total landings, total value, number of directed trips, etc. They can be scaled accordingly. Ecosystem valuation will need some thought, but generally should represent the importance of each species or functional group.
This is the species_pct_frequency.csv
file in the data
folder.Percent frequency of occurrence for each species in each survey. This can remain constant, or vary depending on proposed changes to spatial/seasonal coverage (e.g. to target recruitment events or move into deeper depths)
This is the effort_cv_power_parameters.csv
file in the data
folder. Values are survey and species specific. We use this dataframe to get the value current_survey_cv
. Survey CV is calculated a function of CURRENT sample size (i.e., it appears that CV does not change if optimized values are very different) using a power function (e.g., = survey.sample.size ^ -survey.species.effort.power.parameter).
This is the current_survey_size.csv
file in the data
folder. Values are survey specific. We use this dataframe to get the value current_survey_cv
. This file also contains the cost-per-survey and maximum size of a given survey, both of which can be used for later optimization constraints.