Bilateral filter in both a naive serial implementation and a CUDA implementation using OpenCV purely for its Mat structure and imread functionality.
- General Build
- Either build the OpenCV package in C:\DEV\opencv or be aware that the library and include locations need to be changed
- If change is necessary follow these steps:
- Under the solution explorer right-click the Bilateral Filter project and select "Properties".
- Now put the path to the OpenCV include folder in Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Additional Include Directories
- Similarly, put the path to the OpenCV library files in Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Additional Library Directories
- Finally, add the OpenCV bin folder to your path.
- Debug Build
- The debug build executes must more slowly however for the serial implementation, each row is shown as it is computed.
- Release Build
- This provides much faster run times as some functions were optimized and there are no debug messages.