Lossless PNG, JPEG and GIF image optimization / compression for Windows.
Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Export as) — 56.10 KB | Image Catalyst (Xtreme) — 51.25 KB |
- AdvDef (AdvanceComp 1.23)
- DeflOpt 2.07
- PNGWolfZopfli 1.0.1
- TruePNG
- JPEGinfo от 16.03.2014
- JPEGstripper от 16.03.2014
- JPEGTran (MozJPEG 3.1)
- GIFSicle 1.88
Operating system — Windows XP SP3 and higher.
call iCatalyst.bat [options] [add directories \ add files]
/png:# PNG optimization mode (Non-Interlaced):
1 - Compression level - Advanced
2 - Compression level - Xtreme
0 - Skip (default)
/jpg:# JPEG optimization mode:
1 - Encoding Process - Baseline
2 - Encoding Process - Progressive
3 - use settings of original image
0 - Skip (default)
/gif:# GIF optimization mode:
1 - use settings of original image
0 - Skip (default)
"/outdir:#" image saving options:
true - open dialog box for saving images (default)
false - replace original image with optimized
"full path to directory" - specify directory to save images to.
for example: "/outdir:C:\temp". If the destination directory
does not exist, it will be created automatically.
Add directories \ Add files:
- Specify full image paths and / or paths to directories containing images.
For example: "C:\Images" "C:\logo.png"
- Full image paths should not contain any special characters such as
"&", "%", "(", ")" etc.
- Images in sub-directories are optimized recursively.
call iCatalyst.bat /gif:1 "/outdir:C:\photos" "C:\images"
call iCatalyst.bat /png:2 /jpg:2 "/outdir:true" "C:\images"
- Full image paths should not contain any special characters such as
etc. - Images in sub-directories are optimized recursively.
Advanced | Xtreme |
Size — 55.57 KB; Optimization time — 1.5 s | Size — 54.67 KB; Optimization time — 7.5 s |
TruePNG (zlib) + Advdef (libdeflate) |
TruePNG (zlib) + PNGWolfZopfli (zopfli) |
— skip optimization of PNG images.
Interlace option:
— displays the image in a browser only when download is complete.Interlaced
— displays low-resolution versions of the image in a browser as the file downloads. Interlacing makes download time seem shorter, but it also increases file size (not support).
Baseline | Progressive |
For image < 10 KB, it is recommended to use — Baseline (read more) |
For image > 10 KB, it is recommended to use — Progressive (read more) |
— uses settings of original images;Skip
— skip optimization of JPEG images.
— uses settings of original images;Skip
— skip optimization of GIF images.
Open the file Tools\config.ini
with any text editor and follow the instructions.
;Number of streams. If value is 0, the %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% value is used
;Image saving options:
;true - open dialog box for saving images;
;false - replace original image with optimized;
;path - directory for output files.
;Check update
;PNG optimization modes:
;/a# - PNG dirty transparency 0=Clean, 1=Optimize;
;/g# - PNG gamma 0=Remove, 1=Apply & Remove, 2=Keep;
;/na - PNG don't change RGB values for fully transparent pixels;
;/nc - PNG don't change ColorType and BitDepth;
;/np - PNG don't change Palette.
xtreme=/a1 /g0
advanced=/a0 /g0
;Remove PNG Metadata (Chunks)
;Remove JPEG Metadata
;Remove GIF Metadata
- To pause optimization process click on right mouse button in the command prompt window and choose "Select all" in the context menu. To resume click right mouse button again.
- By default optimization runs in multi-threading mode. It is not recommended to run in more than one copy of the application, as it will significantly reduce both the image optimization speed and system performance overall. To disable multi-threading mode, open the file
with any text editor and follow the instructions.
- Thanks to the authors of the applications that are used in the project;
- Thanks to the participants of encode.ru, forum.ru-board.com, forum.script-coding.com, forum.vingrad.ru and cyberforum.ru for contribution to the development of the project;
- Thanks X128 for his huge contribution to the development of the project.
This software is released under the terms of the MIT license.
- add support of optimization of SVG;
- add support of optimization of PNG and JPEG lossy.