The goal of this repository is to replicate the familiar "cat" command in as many languages as I can. Full, and additional functionality will be added, but currently the models simply read the file contents to a string in the console, warn you in the event that there was no file given, or if the file you've specified cannot be opened.
git clone #HTTPS
# OR
git clone [email protected]:lrth06/cat_in_x_flavors.git #SSL
cd cat_in_x_flavors
# OPTIONAL (recommended) - Run in docker
docker build . -t lrth06/catinx
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/ lrth06/catinx
cd golang
go build -o ./
gocat /path/to/your/file
cd python
python3 /path/to/your/file
cd nodejs
npm install -g .
nodecat /path/to/your/file
cd c
gcc ccat.c -o ccat
./ccat /path/to/your/file
cd cpp
g++ -o cppcat ./cppcat.cpp
./cppcat /path/to/your/file
cd rust
cargo build
cargo run /path/to/your/file
cd perl
perl /path/to/your/file