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Bootstrapping a new RSP environment
In this walkthrough, we're setting up a new environment with the following info:
- Repo: https://github.com/lsst-uk/phalanx-test
- Domain name: rsp-test.lsst.ac.uk
- Env name: rsptest
- Vault service: https://vault.lsst.ac.uk
Instructions can be found here:
For the "rsptest" environment, this was done by Gareth
The roe environment (rsp.lsst.ac.uk) at this moment uses the Rubin team Vault service: https://vault.lsst.codes The rsp-test environment uses the UK Vault service http://vault.lsst.ac.uk
See: https://lsst-uk.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LUSC/pages/3199270914/RSP+NFS+Server
Navigate to: https://kbs-ddi.is.ed.ac.uk/ DNS / Zones (lsst.ac.uk) / + (Add new DNS RR)
RR Type: A
Complete name: rsp-test.lsst.ac.uk
TTL: 3600
Note: The IP needs to existing in the available Floating IPs in the Openstack RSP project.
(see: https://github.com/organizations/LSP-UK/settings/applications/2212097)
For the RSP-test, used the https://github.com/organizations/LSP-UK/ Organization
Settings > Developer Settings > New OAuth App
Application Name: rsp-test
Homepage URL: https://rsp-test.lsst.ac.uk
Authorization callback URL: https://rsp-test.lsst.ac.uk/login
Client ID: Client_ID
Client secret: (Generate a new client Secret)
Note the Client ID & Client Secret, they will be needed later
Clone phalanx repo:
git clone https://github.com/lsst-uk/phalanx-test
pushd phalanx-test
git checkout dev/stv-newenv
You can use the phalanx_customizer.py script to create a new environment as a clone of the other, and make the modifications which are defined in a yaml configuration file
Fetch script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stvoutsin/phlx-customizer/main/phalanx_customizer/phalanx_customizer.py
Fetch environment yml files or:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stvoutsin/phlx-customizer/main/envs/roe.yaml
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stvoutsin/phlx-customizer/main/envs/rsptest.yaml
pip install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stvoutsin/phlx-customizer/main/requirements.txt
For usage see: https://github.com/stvoutsin/phlx-customizer
python3 phalanx_customizer.py . roe.yaml rsptest.yaml
Note: Because the roe environment is using the Rubin team Vault service it does not have an applications/vault-secret-operator/values-roe.yaml file
If we are using a different Vault Service, we're going to need to create a config there like this:
nano applications/vault-secrets-operator/values-rsptest.yaml
name: vault-secrets-operator
name: vault-secrets-operator
address: "https://vault.lsst.ac.uk"
Commit to github phalanx repo
git add applications/*
git add environment/*
git commit -m ".."
git push
Create container with name: async-test Using the Openstack cli:
openstack container create async-test
Set to publicly accessible:
swift post async-test -r ".r:*"
Brief Description:
- Create a VM, install nginx server on it
- Point rsp-test.lsst.ac.uk to machine
- Install certbot on machine
- Run certbot to generate Let's Encrypt Certificate
- Copy certs & Key off to another machine
git clone https://github.com/lsst-uk/phalanx-test
cd phalanx
Create Docker config to for pulling / pushing Docker images
Here auth needs to be the auth token you can get from Docker. If necessary you can do this as follows:
- Log in to https://hub.docker.com
- Go to your account settings, then security (https://hub.docker.com/settings/security)
- Click on "new access token", give it a name and "generate"
- Make a note of the access token
- Convert it to a base64 encoded string, for example if your docker username is
and you got the tokendckr_pat_v-MNbFBIFAZP5pgNxPOAEshQWa1
then you'd do:echo -n "fred:dckr_pat_v-MNbFBIFAZP5pgNxPOAEshQWa1" | base64
and get a string likeZnJlZDpkY2tyX3BhdF92LU1OYkZCSUZBWlA1cGdOeFBPQUVzaFFXYTE=
nano ~/.docker/config.json
"auths": {
"https://index.docker.io/v1/": {
Write the following empty files
echo "{}" > google_creds.json
echo "{}" > aws-credentials.ini
echo "{}" > butler-gcs-idf-creds.json
echo "{}" > postgres-credentials.txt
Also copy over the tls.key & tls.pub from the certificates we created in step 6 here.
./generate_secrets.py rsptest
[pull-secret .dockerconfigjson] (.docker/config.json to pull images)
> /absolute_path_to_file/.docker/config.json
Pass in path to docker auth file here
[rsp-alerts slack-webhook] (Slack webhook for alerts): [current: ]
Can leave empty
[butler-secret aws-credentials.ini] (AWS credentials for butler)
> /absolute_path_to_file/aws-credentials.ini
Path to empty file
[butler-secret butler-gcs-idf-creds.json] (Google credentials for butler)
> /absolute_path_to_file/butler-gcs-idf-creds.json
Path to empty file
[butler-secret postgres-credentials.txt] (Postgres credentials for butler)
> /absolute_path_to_file/postgres-credentials.txt
Path to empty file
[tap google_creds.json] (file containing google service account credentials)
> /absolute_path_to_file/google_creds.json
Path to empty file
[mobu ALERT_HOOK] (Slack webhook for reporting mobu alerts. Or use None for no alerting.): [current: ]
Can leave empty
[gafaelfawr cloudsql] (Use CloudSQL? (y/n):): [current: ]
> n
[gafaelfawr ldap] (Use LDAP? (y/n):): [current: ]
> n
[gafaelfawr auth_type] (Use cilogon or github?): [current: ]
> github
[gafaelfawr github-client-secret] (GitHub client secret): [current: ]
Github Client Secret from Step 3
[installer argocd.admin.plaintext_password] (Admin password for ArgoCD?): [current: ]
Password to use for ArgoCD
[argocd dex.clientSecret] (OAuth client secret for ArgoCD (either GitHub or Google)?): [current: ]
Can leave empty
[vo-cutouts cloudsql] (Use CloudSQL? (y/n):): [current: ]
> n
[telegraf influx-token] (Token for communicating with monitoring InfluxDB2 instance): [current: ]
Can leave empty
[cert-manager enabled] (Use cert-manager? (y/n):): [current: ]
> n
Once we want to enable cert-manager, set to y
[ingress-nginx tls.key] (Certificate private key)
> /path/tls.key
Key from Certificate we created in earlier step
[ingress-nginx tls.crt] (Certificate chain)
> /path/tls.pub
Key from Certificate we created in earlier step
Because we are using Openstack S3, instead of GCS there is a manual step required here, to enable this for the TAP service results.
We have to manully modify the file generated under secrets/tap to look like this:
"AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": "<Access>",
"google_creds.json": "EMPTY\n"
For this you will have to generate new Application credentials for accessing Swift/S3 and set the according values there. e.g.:
$ openstack ec2 credentials create
$ openstack ec2 credentials list
| Access | Secret | Project ID | User ID |
| 01234567890abcdef01234567890abcd | ef01234567890abcdef01234567890ab | 5b5102968e5347ad89676ae42a5510df | 3393434ef6ce337a8cd16a0d8201add3 |
export VAULT_ADDR=http://vault.lsst.ac.uk
export VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_TOKEN} # Get this from step 1
./write_secrets.sh rsptest
Option 1. If we don't need to modify the install.sh script in phalanx:
Run RSP installation as defined in :
Option 2. If we DO have to modify the install.sh script in phalanx.
Normally the installation can be run with single run of the Docker container, which runs everything automatically.
In the branch dev/stv-new, I've had to modify the install.sh script to use the UK Vault service, because it is hard coded to https://vault.lsst.codes
This needs to be proposed as a change to the Rubin team, so that we don't have to edit that file manually.
If you want to run the installer in an interactive environment, for example say we want to install on a new environment and use the UK Vault service, we have to modify the install.sh script in phalanx before running it.
To do this you can change the entrypoint like this:
sudo docker run \
-it \
--hostname installer \
--env REPO=${REPO:?} \
--env BRANCH=${BRANCH:?} \
--volume ${CUR_DIRECTORY:?}"/phlx-installer/certs:/etc/kubernetes/certs" \
--volume ${CUR_DIRECTORY:?}"/phlx-installer/kube/config:/root/.kube/config" \
--volume ${CUR_DIRECTORY:?}"/phlx-installer/scripts/install.sh:/root/install.sh" \
--volume ${CUR_DIRECTORY:?}"/phlx-installer/scripts/helper.sh:/root/helper.sh" \
--entrypoint bash \
Note the use of --entrypoint bash
This will allow us to make a change to the installation script before running it.
From the interactive shell:
Install nano or other editor
apt-get install -y nano
Install storage class
Fetch phalanx REPO & BRANCH
git clone $REPO /phalanx
git -C /phalanx checkout $BRANCH
Modify installer script
cd /phalanx/installer/
nano install.sh
export VAULT_ADDR=http://vault.lsst.ac.uk
Run installer
If we don't need to modify the installer script, we can just run:
sudo docker run \
-it \
--hostname installer \
--env REPO=${REPO:?} \
--env BRANCH=${BRANCH:?} \
--volume ${CUR_DIRECTORY:?}"/phlx-installer/certs:/etc/kubernetes/certs" \
--volume ${CUR_DIRECTORY:?}"/phlx-installer/kube/config:/root/.kube/config" \
--volume ${CUR_DIRECTORY:?}"/phlx-installer/scripts/install.sh:/root/install.sh" \
--volume ${CUR_DIRECTORY:?}"/phlx-installer/scripts/helper.sh:/root/helper.sh" \