This is a drawing backend for egui that uses skia-safe.
It works well but is quite outdated. I don't use egui_skia anymore, but I'm happy to review / merge PRs and release new versions (see #13).
Have a look at the metal or cpu examples to get started.
cargo run --example metal --features winit,metal
cargo run --example cpu --features winit,cpu_fix
cargo run --example rasterize --features winit,cpu_fix
# Make sure sdl2 is installed
# Follow instructions here:
cargo run --example sdl2_opengl --features gl
cargo run --example sdl2_vulkan --features vulkan
Rendering on the gpu works great, only the dancing strings example doesn't work for some reason.
For rendering on the cpu to look correct, the cpu_fix feature needs to be enabled. See #1 for more information.