An algorithm, which allows to distribute values almost equal to multiple objects.
This algorithm takes a set of numbers which are supposed to be distributed around a amount of recipients. It uses some quite simple methods to find the most equal distribution for the amount of recipients given. The process is divided into 4 steps:
The first step is to fill up the container of data which was given by the user or other institution. The size of the container has to be a multiple of the amount of recipients given. This is made possible by adding zeros to our container until the targeted size is reached (size_of_container % amount_of_recipients == 0). After that, the dataset is ordered in descending order as a preparation for the next step.
Numbers: { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 }
Recipients: 3
→ Numbers after adding zeros: { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0 }, because 9 % 3 = 0 (9 = size of our dataset).
→ Numbers after ordering: { 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 }
The dataset is now divided into multiple blocks. Each block's size equals the amount of recipients.
Numbers: { 8,7,6 | 5,4,3 | 2,1,0 } (Blocksize = 3)
Every second block is now ordered in ascending order.
Numbers: { 8,7,6 | 3,4,5 | 0,1,2 }
From each block, the first, second, third and so on number is added together. As a result, we get as many numbers as recipients were given. Each number represents the value that recipient x receives.
Results: 11; 12; 13;
If everything worked correctly, this is the best possible distribution (fairest).
Make sure that you include the SDA.h header file into your project. After that you are able to instance a SDA object in C++ like so:
SDA object_name;
And call its "distribute" function like this:
object_name.distribute(<data_object>, <amount of recipients>);
After that you can use the function "distribute" to distribute any amount of integers to any amount of recipients. In this repository you may find a simple example of how one can use this function. It uses a std::vector as input and output. Furthermore, the function can adjust the amount of people one wants to distribute to.