Releases: lunduniversity/introprog
Releases · lunduniversity/introprog
v2.0-M6 Exercise expressions w01 ready for review
issue thread for feedback: #275
v2.0-M5 Refactor print compendiums into study period split
The structure of compendiums has undergone a major refactoring to enable a split between study periods in stead of between lectures and assignments:
now includes lectures, labs, exercises and appendices for the weeks 1-7compedium2.pdf
now includes lectures, labs, exercises and appendices for the weeks 8-14- the screen-version in
includes everything - Some appendices have been merged and updated to enable the split
Any help to identify potential issues with e.g. cross-referencing etc. is welcome!
v2.0-M4 Updated lab "turtle"
Major update of lab turtle. Any feedback welcome in this issue thread: #274
v2.0-M3 Updated lab "blockmole"
Lab blockmole ready for inspection; comments in this issue discussion thread: #270
v2.0-M2 New lab "words" replacing "pirates"
Lab w07_words ready for feedback
v2.0-M1 Module progression update
A first milestone for the coming 2017 edition of the Lund University Scala course. The progression for 2017 is updated based on experiences from 2016 as described in the table below. Other significant updates:
- New lab: irritext
- Updated labs: kojo, shuffle
Old and new module plan:
Old | Old Modul | Övn | Lab | New | New Modul | New Övn | New Lab |
W01 | Introduktion | expressions | kojo | W01 | Introduktion | expressions | kojo |
W02 | Kodstrukturer | programs | -- | W02 | Kodstrukturer | programs | -- |
W03 | Funktioner, objekt | functions | blockmole | W03 | Funktioner | functions | irritext |
W04 | Datastrukturer | data | pirates | W04 | Objekt | objects | blockmole |
W05 | Sekvensalgoritmer | sequences | shuffle | W05 | Klasser | classes | turtle |
W06 | Klasser | classes | turtlegraphics | W06 | Sekvensalgoritmer | sequences | shuffle |
W07 | Arv | traits | turtlerace-team | W07 | Datastrukturer | data | pirates |
KS | KONTROLLSKRIVN. | -- | -- | KS | KONTROLLSKRIVN. | -- | -- |
W08 | Repetition, trösklar, luckor | reboot-plan | reboot-check | W08 | Matriser, typparametrar | matrices | maze |
W09 | Mönster, undantag | matching | chords-team | W09 | Arv | traits | turtlerace-team |
W10 | Matriser, typparametrar | matrices | maze | W10 | Mönster, undantag | matching | chords-team |
W11 | Sökning, sortering | sorting | survey | W11 | Scala och Java | scalajava | lthopoly-team |
W12 | Scala och Java | scalajava | lthopoly-team | W12 | Sökning, sortering | sorting | survey |
W13 | Extra: design, api, trådar, webb | threads | Projekt | W13 | Repetition, tentaträning | Extenta | Projekt |
W14 | Tentaträning | Extenta | -- | W14 | Extra: jämlöpande exekvering | threads | -- |
T | TENTAMEN | -- | -- | T | TENTAMEN | -- | -- |
Old | Action | New |
W01 | Keep | W01 |
W02 | Keep | W02 |
W03 | Split | W03 W04 |
W04 | Move | W07 |
W05 | Move | W06 |
W06 | Move | W05 |
W07 | Move | W09 |
KS | Keep | KS |
W08 | Delete | |
W09 | Move | W10 |
W10 | Move | W08 |
W11 | Move | W12 |
W12 | Move | W11 |
W13 | Move | W14 |
W14 | Move | W13 |
T | Keep | T |
Release v1.1 Post-Course Wrapup 2017 April 1
add dir-specific .gitignore with *.pdf
Release v1.0 - Printed version
This was the commit sent to printing for the 1.0/2016 version of the course.