Feel better, every breathe matters
You can see a live version at: https://breathe.luseeds.com
Our daily lives are full of a constant flow of information, thoughts, feelings. We feel like time is flying away and we're not in control.
What if, for a short moment, we take control back. This is where Breathe comes in. Just settle down for a moment, relax and breathe!
Be in the present moment, that's all that matters. Simply breathe.
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
This website is hosted on Netlify
The logo icon is an adaptation of Freepik on www.flaticon.com
Relaxing royalty free background music (Quiet Time) from FesliyanStudios
A project from luseeds