Online practicals:
Install Miniconda:
Download the repository:
git clone
- Install packages:
cd Workshop2022/
conda env create -n uclnceo --force -f environment.yml
- Enable extensions
# activate uclnceo envrionment
conda activate uclnceo
jupyter serverextension enable --py nbgitpuller --sys-prefix
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
jupyter nbextension enable python-markdown/main
# Install a JupyterLab extension for demonstration purposes
jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/geojson-extension
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
jupyter labextension install jupyter-leaflet
jupyter trust notebooks/*.ipynb *.ipynb
# kernel setup
python -m ipykernel install --name=conda-env-uclnceo --display-name 'conda env:uclnceo' --user
- Run
and load the notebooks.
Welcome to the Using Earth observation for Crop Monitoring (iEOCM) Workshop! You will find the following content:
MORNING SESSION [09:00-11:00 2 hours]
- Welcome: GSSTI Director [5 mins]
- Welcome: Structure of the workshop: Kofi Asare GSSTI [5 mins]
- Perspectives and needs: MOFA regional director [20 mins]
- Cropping issues in North of Ghana: ADRA Kankam Boadu [20 mins]
- Overview and achievements: Prof Lewis [20 mins]
- Role of ground data and summary findings from 2021: Kofi Asare GSSTI [20 mins]
- Weather and yield in-season forecast: Nicola Pounder, Assimila [20 mins]
- Discussion and future priorities [GSSTI to chair] [15 mins]
MORNING SESSION [09:00-11:00 2 hours]
- Welcome: GSSTI Director [5 mins]
- Welcome: Structure of the workshop: Kofi Asare GSSTI [5 mins]
- Perspectives and needs: MOFA yield estimation director [20 mins]
- Overview and achievements: Prof Lewis [20 mins]
- Role of ground data and summary findings from 2021: Kofi Asare GSSTI [20 mins]
- Climate and yield: Dilys MacCarthy [20 mins]
- Weather and yield in-season forecast: Nicola Pounder, Assimila [20 mins]
- Discussion and future priorities [GSSTI to chair] [15 mins]
Groups of 5, run each session x 4
• You may want to register for a GEE account before starting the practicals.
- [DEA showcase]: DEA Edward Boamah
- Biophysical binder (Feng): EO & field data explorer
- ERA5 Weather data (Nicola) and Rain Watch (Kofi)
- Model data assimilation (Jose/Hongyuan): Crop model sliders, DA-Me, yield context plot
- Maize mapper GEE visualisation and MOFA yield (Qingling)
- [Field measurements demo] Kenneth
(15 mins)
- DEA classification in Ghana (Digital Earth Africa)
- Classification (China Agricultural University)
- Crop Modelling & Ensembles:(Hongyuan)
- Crop model video:(Hongyuan)
- EO interpretation (talk on issues and methods) (feng)
- Introduction to data assimilation (Jose/Hongyuan/CAU)
- Ensemble Crop DA (jose)
- Discussion and Reflections: GSSTI (Kofi to lead)
: folder for data. Keep small e.g. CSV files etc here. If you need larger data, download viapostBuild
subfolder has maps of Ghana.figures
: Figures, logos, ....notebooks
: Where notebooks gopresentations
: pdf version of presentations (needed?)wkshp_codes
: python code to be used by notebooks