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This package will provide models the ability to have a prefixed id in your system, while still having the database value being just the usual id.


Run following command to publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Lyhty\PrefixedId\PrefixedIdServiceProvider"

You should set up the models that you want to have ids with prefixes, you should also apply HasPrefixedId trait to the model.


Model with a prefixed id would work the following way:

use App\Models\Human;

$human = Human::pidFindOrFail("H-1");
$human->pid; // Prints "H-1"
$human->id; // Prints 1

Route binding

The package automatically binds the models set up in the config file to use prefixes in routing.

Model specific binding

A model with a prefixed id set up would behave in a following way: project.test/humans/H-1


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::get('humans/{human}', [HumanController::class, 'show']);

You can apply an optional prefix to the binding in the config. E.g. humans/{pid_human} with pid_ being the applied prefix. This would keep the Laravel's default binding to the model's key without the prefix.


public function show(Request $request, Human $human)

As you can see, setting up the model binding works the same as without the prefixed id.

Generic model binding

The package also provides more generic routing. An example follows:


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::get('resources/{prefixedModel}', [ResourceController::class, 'show']);

You can change the route binding name in the config.


public function show(Request $request, Model $model)

With a route setup like this, both project.test/resources/H-1 and project.test/resources/D-1 would work and would return a Human model instance and a Dog model instance respectively.

This way you can have one route for returning any type of a model, as long as it is set up in config.

Prefixed id helper class

You can utilize PrefixedId class to find instances in a following way:

use Lyhty\PrefixedId\Facades\PrefixedId;

$human = PrefixedId::findModel('H-1');
$dog = PrefixedId::findModel('D-1');

The find methods would return instances of App\Models\Human and App\Models\Dog respectively.