Hi there 👋 - I’m @m49D4ch3lly
I am a Global Citizen, Tunisian and Polish by birth and nationality, Singaporean resident, cybersecurity passionate, author, public speaker, entertainer, and serial entrepreneur.
I'm the co-founder of cybersecurity start-up Responsible Cyber Pte. Ltd. and cybersecurity non-profit group Women on Cyber in Singapore.
Some of my most notable research contributions include Cyber Security, Cyber risk quantification, the future of localisation and positioning, education and more.. My Google Scholar profile is here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FcFGzMAAAAAJ&hl=en
I appeared on The Dark Web Documentary on Channel News Asia. I was featured on other TV shows, including VTV 1 News. I was the guest on Task Force 7 Radio, and I gave interviews including Prime Time on MoneyFM 89.3.
In 2020 and 2021, I was featured in the distributed versions of the Dark Web Documentary on Canal Plus, France and ZDFInfo, Germany.
You can check my profile in details here: https://magda-on-cyber.com/ and read my blog here: https://blog.magda-on-cyber.com
🔭 I’m currently working on Responsible Cyber Platform.
🌱 I’m speaking fluently English, French, Arabic, Polish, and Italian.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on community building and knowledge sharing for my community Women on Cyber;
focusing on supporting younger female cybersecurity passionate, and encouraging them to share their
cybersecurity knowledge.
🤔 I’m looking for help with hacking sometimes. It is my passion, but I do not focus on it full time,
and I know there are fantastic hackers out here from whom I can learn a lot om the newest techniques.
💬 Ask me about cybersecurity, and cyber risk.
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]