On The Spot is a game that illustrates tokenism, that is, the adverse effects that people from extreme minorities experience in groups and organisations. I kept it generic and abstract because while not all forms of oppression are equal, and they are not independent of each other, the patterns of tokenism are similar for pretty much all minorities, and I did not want to imply that any form of oppression was more or less important than another. Thus, you play an orange square which is one of very few orange people in a group where almost everyone is blue. The goal of the game is to get things done (collect all the green squares) while being encumbered by the blue majority - and every time you bump into one of them, the game displays one of the grating, slightly annoying, sometimes "well-meaning" things people from majority groups say to or about minority groups.
This is a prototype in Processing that was done at a hackathon; I might flesh it out, clean up and document the code at some point in the future though.