- smaller than jQuery (100k)
- 86% on the Penn treebank
- keypress speed, constant-time
- caniuse, yup. IE9+
- no dependencies, training, or configuration
It's a rule-based, user-focused, and satisfactory javascript library for understanding and changing written english
:boom: Welcome to v2.0! Please file an issue if you find something 💥
npm install nlp_compromise
<script src="./builds/nlp_compromise.es5.min.js"> </script>
let nlp = require("nlp_compromise");
nlp.text("She sells seashells").negate()
// She didn't sell seashells
nlp.text('She sells seashells').to_past()
// She sold seashells
// { past: 'spoke',
// infinitive: 'speak',
// gerund: 'speaking',
// actor: 'speaker',
// present: 'speaks',
// future: 'will speak',
// perfect: 'have spoken',
// pluperfect: 'had spoken',
// future_perfect: 'will have spoken'
// }
// [ 'ham', 'bur', 'ger' ]
// "dinosaurs"
nlp.text("Tony Danza did a kickflip").people();
// "Tony Danza"
nlp.person("Tony Hawk").article();
// "he"
nlp.value("five hundred and sixty").number;
// 560
// favorite
we've also got a modest, though very ambitious plugin ecosystem:
t = nlp_compromise.text('it is a cool library.');
// "So basically, it is like, a cool library."
nlp_compromise aims to be the best way to work with language in js. This is only done with many hands. Contributions in all forms are appreciated and respected.
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