Composed let's you easily compose new types from other types and get typesafe access to the properties of the contained types directly on the composed type.
typealias MoneyMakingBoozeMonkey = Compose3<Monkey, MoneyMaker, Boozehound>
let monkey = MoneyMakingBoozeMonkey(
Monkey(name: "Rutger", hasTail: true),
MoneyMaker(salary: 100000),
Boozehound(poisonOfChoice: "Anything")
XCTAssertTrue( == "Rutger")
XCTAssertTrue(monkey.salary == 100000)
XCTAssertTrue(monkey.poisonOfChoice == "Anything")
If the types you are wrapping conforms to the Decodable
protocol, so will your composed types.
typealias MoneyMakingMonkey = Compose2<Monkey, MoneyMaker>
let json = """
"name": "Joe",
"hasTail": true,
"salary": 0
""".data(using: .utf8)
let decodedMonkey = try? JSONDecoder().decode(MoneyMakingMonkey.self, from: json!)