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Github actions documentation


Understanding GitHub Actions

Interesting documentation

How to deploy an AWS Amplify app from Github Actions Python App Deploy to AWS App Runner using GitHub Actions

Python App Deploy to AWS App Runner (image based)

Deploy applications in AWS App Runner with GitHub Actions Guide:

Initial setup

0. Create initial .env file

Create a .env file with the following content:


Now go to aws_service_role folder and create the service role:

Note: edit role name as required.


Copy the resulting role ARN and add it to the .env file:

1. Create ECR Private image repository with pulumi

cd infrastructure
export $(cat ../.env | xargs)
pulumi new aws-python

2. Add secrets to the github repository

Add github secrets using gh cli, from a .env file, for a given repository:

export REPO=manuelsolalindebkv/github_actions_examples
gh secret set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -b $(cat .env | grep AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | cut -d '=' -f2) -R $REPO
gh secret set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -b $(cat .env | grep AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | cut -d '=' -f2) -R $REPO
gh secret set AWS_REGION -b $(cat .env | grep AWS_REGION | cut -d '=' -f2) -R $REPO
gh secret set ROLE_ARN -b $(cat .env | grep ROLE_ARN | cut -d '=' -f2) -R $REPO