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Steps to install an OpenShift Cluster with Workload Identity

  1. Prerequisite:

    • A linux machine is required to perform steps below, because the ccoctl command only has linux version
    • Pull secret is required to get image and OCP installation. Can be downloaded from OpenShift Cluster Manager
    • GCP service account info is required when creating install-config.yaml in step 4
  2. Set the variable $RELEASE_IMAGE

    $RELEASE_IMAGE should be a recent and supported OpenShift release image that you want to deploy in your cluster. Please refer to the support matrix for compatibilities.

    A sample release image would be${RHOCP_version}-${Arch}

    Where RHOCP_version is the OpenShift version (e.g 4.10.0-fc.4 or 4.9.3) and the Arch is the architecture type (e.g x86_64)

  3. Extract the GCP Credentials Request objects from the above release image. You must use version 4.7 or newer of the oc CLI.

    mkdir credreqs ; oc adm release extract --cloud=gcp --credentials-requests $RELEASE_IMAGE --to=./credreqs
  4. Extract the openshift-install and ccoctl binaries from the release image.

    oc adm release extract --command=openshift-install $RELEASE_IMAGE --registry-config=${PULL_SECRET_PATH:-.}/pull-secret
    CCO_IMAGE=$(oc adm release info --image-for='cloud-credential-operator' ${RELEASE_IMAGE}) && oc image extract ${CCO_IMAGE} --file='/usr/bin/ccoctl' --registry-config=${PULL_SECRET_PATH:-.}/pull-secret
  5. Create an install-config.yaml

    ./openshift-install create install-config
  6. Make sure that we install the cluster in Manual mode

    echo "credentialsMode: Manual" >> install-config.yaml
  7. Create install manifests

    ./openshift-install create manifests   
  8. Create GCP resources using the ccoctl tool (you will need GCP credentials with sufficient permissions). The following command will generate public/private ServiceAccount signing keys, create the cloud storage bucket, upload the OIDC config into the bucket, set up a workload identity pool/provider, and create an IAM service account for each GCP Credentials Request. It will also dump the files needed by the installer in the output_dir directory

    ccoctl gcp create-all --name=<gcp_infra_name> --region=<gcp_region> --project=<gcp-project-id> --credentials-requests-dir=/path/to/credreqs/directory/created/in/step/2 --output-dir=<output_dir>
  9. Copy the manifests created in the step 7 and put them in the same location as install-config.yaml in the manifests directory

    cp _output/manifests/* /path/to/dir/with/install-config.yaml/manifests/
  10. Copy the private key for the ServiceAccount signer and put it in the same location as install-config.yaml

    cp -a _output/tls /path/to/dir/with/install-config.yaml
  11. Run the OpenShift installer

    ./openshift-install create cluster --log-level=debug

Steps to configure ACM Observability

  1. Prerequisite

    • Install ACM >= 2.8.0
    • Create bucket in GCP side
  2. Create GCP Service Account for ACM Observability(<gcp_infra_name> should be the same value as the one in step 7 above)

./ccoctl gcp create-service-accounts --credentials-requests-dir=./cr --name=<gcp_infra_name> --project=<gcp-project-id> --workload-identity-pool=<gcp_infra_name> --workload-identity-provider=<gcp_infra_name>
  1. Create k8s secret for ACM Observability using the generated yaml in step 1
oc apply -f ./manifests/open-cluster-management-observability-cloud-credentials-credentials.yaml
  1. Get the the json content of the service account which created in step 1. Replace the <bucket_name> and content of service_account in the yaml and create the secret.
oc apply -f thanos-object-storage.yaml
  1. Enalbe ACM Observabiilty.
oc apply -f mco_wif.yaml


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