qrly attempts to be a query module for erlang that provides an API to extract information from structured data using a jquery-like API.
the implementation provides a standard api that allows to extend it to support other languages
for details on selectors check the jquery documentation: http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/
- .class
- #id
- tagname
- Attribute Contains Selector [name*="value"]
- Attribute Contains Word Selector [name~="value"]
- Attribute Ends With Selector [name$="value"]
- Attribute Equals Selector [name="value"]
- Attribute Not Equal Selector [name!="value"]
- Multiple Attribute Selector [name="value"][name2="value2"]
- Attribute Starts With Selector [name^="value"]
- :first
- :last
- :odd
- :even
- :nth-child(N)
- :eq(N)
- :gt(N)
- :lt(N)
- Multiple Selector (“selector1, selector2, selectorN”)
other selectors are not implemented because of lack of time in spawnfest, they are really easy to implement (already parsed, but not implemented in qrly:filter) and should come after the spawnfest ends and I have some time to add them.
the qrly_xml provides an api to manipulate and query xml using xmerl as a backend
the qrly_html provides an api to manipulate and query html using mochiweb_html as a backend
use qrly_html:parse or qrly_html:parse_string to load from file or string an html file and convert it to a qrly data structure and then use qrly_html:filter to apply the filtering.
if you want your string back call qrly_html:to_string. if you want to store it on a file call qrly_html:to_file.
the same instructions work for qrly_xml and any other future implementation of the api (imagine querying json structures with this).
1> {ok, Qrly} = qrly_html:parse("../extra/test/test.html"). ... 2> Q1 = qrly_html:filter(Qrly, "h1"). [{<<"h1">>, [{<<"class">>,<<"first-title asdwordclass">>}], [<<"personal">>]}, {<<"h1">>, [{<<"class">>,<<"second-title wordclass">>}], [<<"projects">>]}, {<<"h1">>, [{<<"title">>,<<"others">>}, {<<"class">>,<<"third-title wordclass">>}], [<<"others">>]}] 3> Q2 = qrly_html:filter(Qrly, "h1.first-title"). [{<<"h1">>, [{<<"class">>,<<"first-title asdwordclass">>}], [<<"personal">>]}] 4> io:format("~s~n", [qrly_html:to_string(Q1)]). <div><h1 class="first-title asdwordclass">personal</h1><h1 class="second-title wordclass">projects</h1><h1 title="others" class="third-title wordclass">others</h1></div> ok 5> io:format("~s~n", [qrly_html:to_string(Q2)]). <div><h1 class="first-title asdwordclass">personal</h1></div> ok
qrly uses eunit, just do:
cd src ./test.sh
it will compile and run the tests
let me introduce you: Qrly the bird
BSD + optional beer invitation to the creator
see LICENSE for details