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Action to create app:

This application is example of elixir CRUD backend service with API protobufs So there is neither resolvers of ENVIRONMENT values as creds to databases and default values, no release instruments and ssl options for connection

Proto models defined in dir


Run test:

MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.setup
mix test

To create item use item.proto file, to search use query.proto with any client Item:

package todo;
message Item {
  enum Status {
    TODO = 0;
    IN_PROCESS = 1;
    PENDING = 2;
    DONE = 3;
  required Status status = 1;
  required string owner = 2;
  required string title = 3;
  optional string description = 4;
  optional string id = 5;

And search request:

package todo;
message SearchRequest {
  required string query = 1;
  optional int32 page_number = 2;
  optional int32 page_size = 3;

Run server:

cd apps/to_do_web
MIX_ENV=prod  mix ecto.setup
MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.server 

If environment value PORT is set up, server will run on port $PORT, if not, port 4000 will be used. Assume there is no PORT env, server runs on port 4000


database: "to_do_repo",
username: "postgres",
password: "postgres",
hostname: "localhost"

Routes for manage items:

to_do_path  GET     /todo/:id     ToDoWeb.ToDoController :show
to_do_path  POST    /todo         ToDoWeb.ToDoController :create
            PUT     /todo/:id     ToDoWeb.ToDoController :update
to_do_path  DELETE  /todo/:id     ToDoWeb.ToDoController :delete

And search items with protobuff query Search query send encoded protobuff, so to process protobuf data from payload use post This was implemented ONLY with TUTOR goal to add proto model on search

index_path  POST    /todo/search  ToDoWeb.ToDoController :index

EXAMPLE how to check server if you do not have any protobuf client

MIX_ENV=prod PORT=80 iex -S  mix

In elixir console:

Interactive Elixir (1.8.2) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)

And copy this to iex to form request on create:

alias Protobuf.Definitions.Todo.Item, as: ProtoItem
alias Protobuf.Definitions.Todo.SearchRequest, as: ProtoSearchRequest
alias Ecto.UUID
item = %ProtoItem{status: :TODO, owner: UUID.generate(), title: "test task", description: "play with protobufs"}
payload = ProtoItem.encode(item)

Lets post new item:

 {:ok, {{_, 201, _}, _, body}} = :httpc.request(:post, {'http://localhost:4000/todo/', [{'content-type', 'application/x-protobuf'}], 'application/x-protobuf', :erlang.binary_to_list(payload)}, [], [])

Now item stored in database, you can manually check it with psql

Decode response to get id of created item and put updated status:

 %Protobuf.Definitions.Todo.Item{id: id} = created_item = body |> to_string |> String.trim_leading(~s(")) |> String.trim_trailing(~s("))  |> Macro.unescape_string |> ProtoItem.decode
 updates_payload = created_item |> Map.put(:status, :IN_PROCESS) |> ProtoItem.encode
 {:ok, {{_, 200, _}, _, body}} = :httpc.request(:put, {'http://localhost:4000/todo/'++ String.to_charlist(id), [{'content-type', 'application/x-protobuf'}], 'application/x-protobuf', :erlang.binary_to_list(updates_payload)}, [], [])

Get item:

 {:ok, {{_,200,_}, _, body}} = :httpc.request('http://localhost:4000/todo/'++ String.to_charlist(id))
 body |> to_string |> String.trim_leading(~s(")) |> String.trim_trailing(~s("))  |> Macro.unescape_string |> ProtoItem.decode

You will see:

  description: "play with protobufs",
  id: "730ca3db-ab9e-43ed-8d49-174e86e4c0e1",
  owner: "c50c62fc-e65e-4623-be60-9daa6651251f",
  status: :IN_PROCESS,
  title: "test task"

Delete item:

:httpc.request(:delete, {'http://localhost:4000/todo/730ca3db-ab9e-43ed-8d49-174e86e4c0e1', []}, [], [])


And list items:

list_payload = %ProtoSearchRequest{query: URI.encode_query(%{title: "test task"})} |> ProtoSearchRequest.encode |> String.to_charlist 

:httpc.request(:post, {'http://localhost:4000/todo/search', [{'content-type', 'application/x-protobuf'}], 'application/x-protobuf', list_payload}, [], [])


Elixir protobuff example






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