This repository contains NodeJS exercises made in the Skylab Coders Academy Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp.
Create a app.js
that require
another file called calculator.js
When we call node app.js
we should show in the console the following:
The sum of 3 & 7 is: 10 The multiplication of 3 & 7 is: 21
should only show in the console the result of calling the functions sum
& multiplication
These methods should be defined (and exported) in calculator.js
Create a folder called operations and create in every folder a file exporting every operation needed in the main app.js
app.js operations/ sum.js multiplication.js substraction.js division.js
Install the module moment
and use it to show the current time in this way:
Today is : Monday, October 31st 2016, 10:08:34 am The sum of 3 & 7 is: 10 The multiplication of 3 & 7 is: 21
Write a node.JS program that execute a connection to server and return success message like "Success, i'm listening from port: 3000"
Hint: Yo u need npm module - http
Set the port of the connection using an environment variable PORT
Write a node program that read a file (passed as parameter) in local machine and shows in the console the content of it.
node app.js test.txt
Hint: You need npm module - fs
Write a node.JS program that read and shows in the console the html code of one external page. The link of the external page should be read from a file link.txt
Hint: You need npm module -> request
##4. File list
Write a node.JS program that list the content of the current directory indicating if is a directory or a file
$ node ex4.js
DIR :node_modules
Hint: You need fs.readdirSync
, fs.lstatSync
and isDirectory()
Write a node.JS program that creates a txt file with the text passed as a parameter
$ node ex5.js "hey ho! let's go"
The file was saved!
$ cat myText.txt
hey ho! let's go
Hint: You need fs.writeFile
Improve the previous exercise to user the first parameter as the name of the destination file
Improve the previous exercise to also read and shows in the console the content of the file
$ node ex5.js mySuperText.txt "it's a long way to the top..."
The file was saved!
it's a long way to the top...
$ cat mySuperText.txt
it's a long way to the top...
Write a node program that process local txt and return values as a Array.
Hint: You need npm module -> concat-stream
Write a node program that read the page and writes in a file (and shows it content after reading it) the internal links that contain some text passed as a parameter.
$ node getLinksNode.js createServer The file was saved!
$ node getLinksNode.js readFile The file was saved!
Write a node.JS program that shows you the local hour of server.
Hint: You need npm module -> strftime
Write a node.JS program that search information in .txt file and returns you how much coincidences find.
If you search about "John", and in your txt files are 2 John, should return 2
Hint: You can try save all data in one array and compare with search..
Write a node.JS program that sum all integers saved in other txt file.