Branch mapper
ActionsGitHub Action to provide environment context mappings for branch names
Parses branch name and optionally maps to corresponding environment name.
Required GitHub references to parse the current branch from
Optional Collection of branch name mappings (default null)
Environment branch name by provided collection of name mappings
- name: Branch name mapping
uses: alexrogalskiy/github-action-branch-mapper@master
github-ref: ${{ github.ref }}
map: '{ "dev": "staging", "production": "production", ".*": "sandbox" }'
Running locally:
npm run start:action --action github-action-branch-mapper --github-ref refs/heads/my/branch-name --map '{ "dev": "staging", ".*": "sandbox" }'
Branch mapper is distributed under LGPL version 3 or later, [License]. LGPLv3 is additional permissions on top of GPLv3.
Branch mapper is maintained by the following GitHub team-members:
with community support please contact with us if you have some question or proposition.
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See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
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