#My MendelMax 1.5 and its whole Openscad model
This is all of the parts on my MendelMax in one place and model. Useful for modeling new parts.
80% of the parts are from the upstream MendelMax design, 10% are from others, 10% from me.
The full openscad model is in mm15_model.scad. Everything else is a part on my machine (but not necessarily my design).
The model is not entirely done yet, but still useful.
- switch arduino mount to scad use<> instead of the stl
- add missing plastic parts to model.
- feet
- glass corners
- filament spool
- model other parts on microextruder
- model the hotend
- put motor, stepper, arduino mount and ssr mount on thingiverse
- add source links for all the parts
- put this on thingiverse
- make x-endstop + on thingiverse
- X-carriage redesign, including:
- belt clamps and tightener
- sprung extruder mount with touchdown sensor
- matches my belt height
- fan/blower w/ duct
- place to fit / push x-endstop
- fasteners
- finalize and publish / pull-request openscad gedit syntax highlighter