Sideband β 0.6.1
This release adds the ability to use Sideband as a full RNS daemon on Android. Simply export the RPC keys from Sideband using the export button in the Connectivity section, and paste the copied config line into your Reticulum config file (in Termux, for example).
This way you can easily use all supported hardware, like modems and RNodes, in the Android terminal. Remember to disable battery optimisations for Sideband, so the RNS service is not killed by the OS, while in the background.
- Added ability to export RPC keys for use with other instances, such as Termux on Android.
- Added e-ink display mode
- Removed inadverdent character limit on "print command" field
- Fixed a bug that caused RNode bluetooth control to fail
- Fixed a missing config key init
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed content type header on APK file downloads from repository server