DISCERN is a deep learning approach to reconstruction expression of single-cell RNAseq data sets using a high-quality reference. Please also look at our manuscript DISCERN: deep single-cell expression reconstruction for improved cell clustering and cell subtype and state detection.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. The full documentation contains further information and tutorials to get started.
We use poetry for dependency management. You can get poetry by
pip install poetry
or (the officially recommended way)
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python
To get discern you can clone the repository by
git clone https://github.com/imsb-uke/discern.git
poetry can be used to install all further dependencies in a virtual environment.
cd discern
poetry install --no-dev
To finally run discern you can also directly use poetry with
poetry run commands
or spawn a new shell in the virtual environment
poetry shell
For all further examples, the first approach is used.
You can use the main function of discern for most use cases. Usually, you have to preprocess your data by:
poetry run discern process <parameters.json>
An example parameters.json is provided together with an hyperparameter_search.json for hyperparameter optimization using ray[tune]. The training can be done with
poetry run discern train <parameters.json>
Hyperparameter optimization needs a ray server with can be started with
poetry run ray start --head --port 57780 --redis-password='password'
and can be started with
poetry run discern optimize <parameters.json>
For projection 2 different modes are available: Eval mode, which is a more general approach and can save a lot of files:
poetry run discern project --all_batches <parameters.json>
Or projection mode which offers a more fine grained controll to which is projected.
poetry run discern project --metadata="metadatacolumn:value" --metadata="metadatacolumn:" <parameters.json>
which creates to files, one is projected to the average batch calculated by a
and a contained value
The second file is projected to the the average for each value in "metadatacolumn"; individually.
DISCERN also supports online training. You can add new batches to your dataset after the usual train
poetry run discern onlinetraining --freeze --filename=<new_not_preprocessed_batch[es].h5ad> <parameters.json>
The data gets automatically preprocessed and added to the dataset. You can run project
afterwards as usual (without the --filename
is important to freeze non-conditional layers in training.
- Can Ergen
- Pierre Machart
- Fabian Hausmann
If you use discern in your work, please cite the publication as follows:
DISCERN: deep single-cell expression reconstruction for improved cell clustering and cell subtype and state detection
Fabian Hausmann, Can Ergen, Robin Khatri, Mohamed Marouf, Sonja Hänzelmann, Nicola Gagliani, Samuel Huber, Pierre Machart & Stefan Bonn
Genome Biology 2023 doi: 10.1186/s13059-023-03049-x.