Install ActivityRecommender for Android or iOS, or build it from source!
What if you did slightly more of the kinds of things that have made you happy in the past?
Want a suggestion? Ask ActivityRecommender!
Whether you should be working or playing, ActivityRecommender has a suggestion for you.
ActivityRecommender remarks on everything you do! It can offer more than 128 responses, including:
"Not bad, but I don't think you had to do this now"
This requires tasks that you want to accomplish but doesn't require estimating how difficult they are!
You're not measuring your ability to make difficulty estimates, you're measuring your efficiency on the tasks themselves.
Really? How does this work?
Complete tasks in a random order
The relationship between when you did the task and how difficult it was is random.
You can correlate factors like sleeping, eating, and resting against how long it takes you to complete your tasks.
This information gets saved forever. If you are inefficient, it will haunt you in your efficiency graph!
You can browse happy events from the past. Don't forget to write a comment sometimes!
Whenever you have incomplete or non-urgent ideas of things to do, you can write them down, reorder them, and return to them later when you're ready.
It's easier than remembering them and leaves you with more brainpower to make more ideas!
Awesome autocomplete makes it very fast to record what you've done: often just 4 button presses!
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