Vagrant setup to start an aws instance or a local virtual box instance with installed git, nodejs, python and heroku toolbelt. Can be used for coursera course 'startup':
Install vagrant from
Install vagrant aws plugin:
Create a file with your aws credentials somewhere save on your HD with following content:
module Aws
class Config
attr_accessor :access_key
attr_accessor :secret_key
def initialize()
@access_key = "access_key"
@secret_key = "secret_key"
Change first line in vagrant file to point to the aws credential file. Mine is located in ~/.matlockx/aws.rb so first line looks:
require File.expand_path(File.join('~', '.matlockx', 'aws'))
Next you need to change the path to your aws pem file. Mine is located in ~/.ssh:
override.ssh.private_key_path = "~/.ssh/matlockx-aws.pem"
Then change line
aws.keypair_name = "matlockx"
and add your keypair name.
#AWS vagrant up --provider=aws web
Do not to forget
vagrant destroy
at the end of your session.
vagrant up local