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This project supports Node 14, 16 and 17

Install dependencies

This project uses yarn as package manager, after cloning this repository in your local directly please install its dependencies using the following command:


ENV variables

You may also want to create a .env.local file in the project root to provide some ENV variables

NEXT_PUBLIC_OVERPASS=1 # Set to 1 if you want to use the overpass-turbo API, 0 to use Sophox API
MAP_CENTER='42.504306, 12.572639' # Initial center of the map
MAP_ZOOM=6 # Zoom level
CULTURAINSTITUTE_PER_DAY=2 # Number of cultural institutes to visit per day
NEXT_PUBLIC_AMENITY_RADIUS=2 # Radius in Kilometers for the amenities search
AMENITY_MAX_COUNT=10 # Maximum number of amenities to be returned for each day
NEXT_PUBLIC_ACCOMODATION_RADIUS=5 # Radius in Kilometers for the accomodation search
ACCOMODATION_MAX_COUNT=10 # Maximum number of accomodations to show for each day

Overpass vs Sophox

It's possible to use the overpass-turbo API or the Sophox API to retrieve the amenities and accomodations.

Until this Sophox issue will be resolved, the overpass-turbo API should be used.


To improve the peformance a caching mechanism is implemented using Upstas Redis.

To enable it you need to set the REDIS_URL and REDIS_TOKEN environment variables to the values of your account. If you are not providing these values, the caching mechanism will be disabled.

The SECRET environment variable is used to hash the cache entries keys.


The map will be displayed using Leaflet and it will be centered on the MAP_CENTER and zoomed to the MAP_ZOOM level.


The itinerary will be created using date from Ministero della cultura and you can select how many cultura institeutes you want to view per day with CULTURAINSTITUTE_PER_DAY.

Amenities and Accomodations

You can set the NEXT_PUBLIC_AMENITY_RADIUS and NEXT_PUBLIC_ACCOMODATION_RADIUS to the maximum radius in Kilometers to be searched around each cultural institute.

AMENITY_MAX_COUNT and ACCOMODATION_MAX_COUNT is used to configure the maximum number of results to returned for each cultura institute.

Developer mode

Execute the following command to start the project locally in developer mode:

pnpm dev

Open the url http://localhost:3000 with your browser


How to run it

Execute the following command to build the project for production:

pnpm build

To start the project in production mode, execute the following command

pnpm start

Please make your have configured correctly the ENV variables


A Dockerfile has been provided to allow to build and run the project in a container


Create and publish a Docker image

Docker image packages are available on Github Package To use the Docker image, execute the following command:

docker pull

Build your own image

To build your own euplea image, execute the following command:

docker build -t euplea .

Run Docker image

To run your euplea image and exposing it on port 3000, execute the following command

docker run --env-file ./env.list -p 3000:3000 euplea

To run the euplea image published and exposing it on port 3000, execute the following command

docker run --env-file ./env.list -p 3000:3000

Please make your have configured correctly the ENV variables in the env.list file

You can fine more informations about passing ENV variables on Docker documentation