Python library to quickly convert an HTML page to a usable read-only JSON api.
Why use this? Good for hackathons or sometimes you just want to scrape a page into JSON without a lot of hassle
Getting started is pretty easy.
Identify the site you want to use for your read-only api. This tool works best on sites that content that flows linearly down a page - just for example :
Make a configuration dictionary:
config = { "resources": [ ] }
Add "resources"
config = { "resources": [ { "name": "Article", "source_url": "", "elements": [ { "name": "link", "element": { "type": "a", "class": "hgpm-link", "attribute": "href" } }, { "name": "title", "element": { "type": "p", "class": "hgpm-image-hed" } } ] } ] }
A resource is comprised of
- name - this is the name of your resource
- source_url - where to find the resource elements
- elements - This is an array of dictionaries that describe the html elements on the page
- Each element should be given a "name" which will appear in the json output
Pass the configuration to the serverbuilder.Builder() and call create()
"""Create the API Server""" serverbuilder.Builder(config).create()
A flask server will be generated in the /server directory. For the time being until I can get to it, move the file into the root directory and run it. You'll have a running flask server on localhost:5000 which you can use to GET your resources, for example if using the configuration above:
GET localhost:5000/api/articles
Would return:
{ data: [ { link: "/story/news/local/vermont/2017/07/24/fake-news-ask-librarian/489003001/", title: "Fake news? Ask a librarian" }, { link: "/videos/news/2017/07/25/fake-news-schmake-news.-librarian-knows-difference/103966880/", title: "Fake news, schmake news. This librarian knows the difference" }, { link: "/videos/life/2017/07/25/-your-garden-green/103994210/", title: "Is your garden green?" }, { link: "/story/news/2017/07/25/interpretation-challenge-small-city/475206001/", title: "Drowning shines a light on Winooski's challenges" }, { link: "/videos/news/2017/07/26/one-day-co-working-space-draws-entrepreneurs/104016058/", title: "One-day co-working space draws entrepreneurs" }, { link: "/story/news/local/vermont/2017/07/26/btv-south-end-makeover-underway/512685001/", title: "BTV South End makeover under way" } ], name: "Article" }