This is a demo application, showing the possibilities of using Symfony 6 + Platform 3 API ( OpenAPI & Swagger & JSON+LD with Hydra & Vue.js SPA client ).
- Docker desktop v.4.x (engine 20)
Clone this repo and enter project directory
git clone sf-api-demo-test/
cd sf-api-demo-test/
Build docker images and then start services
docker compose build --no-cache --pull
SERVER_NAME="app.localhost" docker compose up --wait -d
In the background, Docker compose project builds Symfony/API and Vue.js appliscations. Than, it created DB schema and loads example data into the DB.
Now, open the internet browser:
- to see Swagger API panel
- to see Vue.js client
$ symfony new sf-api
$ composer require api
$ symfony composer require symfony/uid
$ symfony composer require maker --dev
$ symfony composer require orm-fixtures --dev
$ symfony composer require debug --dev
$ symfony console make:entity Message # + defining entity here manually
$ symfony server:start -d
$ symfony console make:migration
$ symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
$ symfony console make:fixtures MessageFixture # + defining example data manualy
$ symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load
$ symfony composer require nesbot/carbon
# adding docker env:
npm init vue@latest -- --typescript --router --pinia --eslint-with-prettier vueapp
cd vueapp
npm install dayjs qs @types/qs
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init -p
npm init @api-platform/client http://localhost/api/ src/ -- --generator vue
# + adjusting Vue.js app: routes, forms, config, styles
npm run dev