The requirement was to build a fee calculator that - given a monetary amount and a term (the contractual duration of the loan, expressed as a number of months) - will produce an appropriate fee for a loan, based on a fee structure and a set of rules described below. A general contract for this functionality is defined in the interface FeeCalculator
Implement solution such that it fulfills the requirements.
- The fee structure does not follow a formula.
- Values in between the breakpoints should be interpolated linearly between the lower bound and upper bound that they fall between.
- The number of breakpoints, their values, or storage might change.
- The term can be either 12 or 24 (number of months), you can also assume values will always be within this set.
- The fee should be rounded up such that fee + loan amount is an exact multiple of 5.
- The minimum amount for a loan is 1,000 PLN, and the maximum is 20,000 PLN.
- You can assume values will always be within this range but they may be any value up to 2 decimal places.
Example inputs/outputs:
Loan amount | Term | Fee |
11,500 PLN | 24 months | 460 PLN |
19,250 PLN | 12 months | 385 PLN |
The fee structure doesn't follow a particular algorithm and it is possible that the same fee will be applicable for different amounts. Example definitions of loan values and corresponding fees can be seen in fixtures/ directory. Definitions can be changed.
A database or any other external dependency is not required for this test.
composer install
# run the code with 2 input parameters
php solution.php --term 24 --amount 2750
# run tests
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/
- this code requires PHP 8.2 and Composer version 2.5
- Fee definitions for given ranges are in "fixtures" dir. It can be modified to any number of ranges with any fee values
- I have provided multiple unit tests, that confirm if the calculations are ok in a few different ways
- by checking the fee value
- by checking the sum of loan+fee
- by checking if loan+fee are multiple of 5
- by checking the "out of range" scenario
- there is no Struct in PHP, but to create a contract between
function, that returns some data structure, andcalculateFee()
that requires it, I have createdNearFeeRangesStruct
that simulates something similar to Struct (see this RFC: - to be a little fancy, I have used PHP8.2 new feature of Constructor Property Promotion ( RFC: ). It is in src/Model/NearFeeRangesStruct.php:
- ranges of 1,000~20,000 are not fixed, but automaticaly set from the ranges definitions
- this code features Clean Code by:
- Meaningful and Descriptive Variable Names
- Proper Indentation and Formatting ( for VSCode )
- DRY ( sunrise.php used for starting solution.php and for tests)
- Keep Functions and Methods Short
- Use Comments Sparingly and Purposefully
- Consistent Coding Style
- Follow PSR Standards ( PSR-1 & PSR-2 & PSR-4 autoloading )
- Unit Testing
- Avoid Global Variables
- this code features SOLID principles
- Single Responsibility Principle - separate class for loading data from file, seperate that delivers Fee definitions to calculator
- Open/Closed Principle - eg:
- Liskov Substitution Principle -
- Interface Segregation Principl:
- Dependency Inversion Principle: Repository pattern for
, and specific class ofCsvFeeDefinitionsRepository
- I ran this code on MacOS with PHP installed from brew, and composer installed locally. If you run into trouble starting this code, please let me know