pyxmatters is a python3 sdk that provides a RESTful interface with xMatters. Additionally there are capabilities to interface with csv files.
For Production use it is strongly recommended to download the pyxmatters package locally from GitHub, specifically the xmatters
directory, and set the xmatters
directory alongside the script leveraging it. For use locally, just enter import xmatters
at the top of the calling script as documented in the steps below. This is import is the same procedure as if the package was downloaded using pip. Also, this SDK is a work in progress, not all REST API's are wrapped, so there is additional value in having a local copy to modify as needed.
For installing locally with the understanding the package will change and could break your script, follow the steps below:
To Install via pip, navigate to the terminal and enter:
pip3 install pyxmatters
To Upgrade via pip, navigate to terminal and enter:
sudo pip3 install --upgrade --force-reinstall pyxmatters
For a quick start sample file, see the sample source directory. If using a local copy of pyxmatters, just set the xmatters
directory alongside the
in the /sample
For implementation in a working project see:
This directory provides user, device, group, and site rest api capabilities.
- Check the url filter string in the signature to determine the proper use of
- For any methods that include
, and_xMattersRoster.get_roster_collection
by default offset and limit will be stripped. Only&
is supported. So&status=ACTIVE
will work. - Lastly, by default anything that will be leveraged in a URL will be auto encoded, this applies to targetNames, id's, and the aforementioned filters. So for
the followingembed=roles&roles=Standard User
is fine to pass to as this will be handled automatically.
For specific method signature detail see the file documented above for specifics.
Below is an example of interfacing with xMattersPerson
. Below are the methods available:
- get_person: Accepts the username or user id as well as an optional url filter string i.e.
- get_people: Accepts an optional url filter string, i.e.
- create_person: Requires the json object to create the xMatters record as documented on the xMatters REST API
- modify_person: Requires the json object to create the xMatters record as documented on the xMatters REST API
- remove_person: Requires the users id
- get_people_collection: A single threaded process to return all users from an instance, there is no limit on what is returned, the process will loop for all records requested. So if there are 60k records in the instance, all records will be returned. To refine the search this function also accepts an optional url filter string, i.e.
&embed=roles&roles=Standard User
Script Example:
import xmatters
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='log.log',level=10,datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S',format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
environment = xmatters.xMattersAPI("https://<instance>", "rest_username", "rest_password")
xm_person = xmatters.xMattersPerson(environment)"Starting Process")
xm_person.create_person({'targetName': 'username', 'firstName': 'firstname', 'lastName': 'lastName', 'roles': ['Group Supervisor']})
user_id = xm_person.get_person('username')['id']
xm_person.modify_person({'id': user_id, 'firstName': 'new_firstname'})
For specific method signature detail see the file documented above for specifics.
Below is an example of interfacing with xMattersDevice
. Below are the methods available:
- get_device: Accepts the device id as well as an optional url filter string i.e.
- get_devices: Accepts an optional url filter string, i.e.
- create_device: Requires the json object to create the xMatters record as documented on the xMatters REST API
- modify_device: Requires the json object to create the xMatters record as documented on the xMatters REST API
- remove_device: Requires the device id
Script Example:
import xmatters
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='log.log',level=10,datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S',format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
environment = xmatters.xMattersAPI("https://<instance>", "rest_username", "rest_password")
xm_person = xmatters.xMattersPerson(environment)
xm_device = xmatters.xMattersDevice(environment)"Starting Process")
user_id = xm_person.get_person('username')['id'] # needed for device creation
xm_device.create_device({'name': 'Work Email', 'emailAddress': '[email protected]', 'deviceType': 'EMAIL', 'owner': user_id})
For specific method signature detail see the file documented above for specifics.
Below is an example of interfacing with xMattersGroup
. Below are the methods available:
- get_group: Accepts the group name or group id as well as an optional url filter string i.e.
- get_groups: Accepts an optional url filter string, i.e.
- create_group: Requires the json object to create the xMatters record as documented on the xMatters REST API
- modify_group: Requires the json object to create the xMatters record as documented on the xMatters REST API
- remove_group: Requires the group id
- get_group_collection: A single threaded process to return all records from an instance, there is no limit on what is returned, the process will loop for all records requested. So if there are 60k records in the instance, all records will be returned. To refine the search this function also accepts an optional url filter string, i.e.
Script Example:
import xmatters
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='log.log',level=10,datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S',format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
environment = xmatters.xMattersAPI("https://<instance>", "rest_username", "rest_password")
xm_group = xmatters.xMattersGroup(environment)"Starting Process")
group = xm_group.create_group({'targetName': 'Test Group'})
xm_group.modify_group({'id': group['id'], 'status': 'INACTIVE'})
xm_group.get_group('Test Group')
xm_group.remove_group('Test Group')
For specific method signature detail see the file documented above for specifics.
Below is an example of interfacing with xMattersShift
. Below are the methods available:
- add_member_to_shift: Requires the group name or group id, shift name or shift id, and the members name or id
- get_shift: Requires the group name or group id and shift name or shift id
- get_shifts: RRequires the group name
- create_shift: Requires the json object to create the xMatters record as documented on the xMatters REST API
- delete_shift: Requires the group name or group id and shift name or shift id
Script Example:
import xmatters
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='log.log',level=10,datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S',format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
environment = xmatters.xMattersAPI("https://<instance>", "rest_username", "rest_password")
xm_shift = xmatters.xMattersShift(environment)"Starting Process")
xm_shift.create_shift('Test Group', {'name': 'Test Shift'})
xm_shift.add_member_to_shift('Test Group', 'Default Shift', 'username')
xm_shift.get_shifts('Test Group')
xm_shift.get_shift('Test Group', 'Default Shift')
xm_shift.delete_shift('Test Group', 'Default Shift')
For specific method signature detail see the file documented above for specifics.
Below is an example of interfacing with xMattersRoster
. Below are the methods available:
- add_member_to_roster: Requires the the group name or group id and member name or member id
- remove_member_from_roster: Requires the the group name or group id and member name or member id
- get_roster: Requires the the group name or group id and optionally accepts a url filter string
- get_roster_collection: Requires the group name or group id
Script Example:
import xmatters
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='log.log',level=10,datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S',format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
environment = xmatters.xMattersAPI("https://<instance>", "rest_username", "rest_password")
xm_roster = xmatters.xMattersRoster(environment)"Starting Process")
xm_roster.add_member_to_roster('Test Group', 'username')
xm_roster.get_roster('Test Group')
xm_roster.remove_member_from_roster('Test Group', 'username')
For specific method signature detail see the file documented above for specifics.
Below is an example of interfacing with xMattersSite
. Below are the methods available:
- get_site: Requires the the site name or site id
- create_site: Requires the json object to create the xMatters record as documented on the xMatters REST API
- get_sites: Returns the first 1000 sites
- modify_site: Requires the json object to create the xMatters record as documented on the xMatters REST API
import xmatters
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='log.log',level=10,datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S',format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
environment = xmatters.xMattersAPI("https://<instance>", "rest_username", "rest_password")
xm_site = xmatters.xMattersSite(environment)"Starting Process")
xm_site.create_site({'name': 'New Site', 'timezone': 'US/Eastern', 'language': 'EN', 'country': 'USA'})
site = xm_site.get_site('Default Site')
xm_site.modify_site({'id': site['id'], 'timezone': 'US/Pacific'})
For specific method signature detail see the file documented above for specifics.
Below is an example of interfacing with xMattersOnCall
. Below are the methods available:
- get_on_call_collection: Accepts a url filter string. By default this function will return all members associated, it will paginate through all shifts and will return all members even if 100. By design this function was built to take care of all processing and paginating for you.
Script Example:
import xmatters
import logging
import json
logging.basicConfig(filename='log.log',level=10,datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S',format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
environment = xmatters.xMattersAPI("https://<instance>", "rest_username", "rest_password")
xm_on_call = xmatters.xMattersOnCall(environment)
xm_group = xmatters.xMattersGroup(environment)
groups = xm_group.get_group_collection('status=ACTIVE')"Received Active Groups: " + json.dumps(groups))
print("Number of Active Groups returned: " + str(len(groups)))
for group in groups:
print("Getting On Call Schedule for Group: " + str(group['targetName']))
group_on_call = xm_on_call.get_on_call_collection("&groups="+group['targetName'])"Received On Call Schedule for Group: " + json.dumps(group_on_call))
Below is an example of leveraging the xMattersCollection
. This python module is a powerful tool to be used increase throughput when executing updates in xMatters. This process was built only for Create, Modify, and Deletion methods. Getter methods should leverage the aforementioned collection methods that are found in the respective moduldes.
The value of this collection is that it provides the ability to include threading or concurrency. Below is an example of using it. The collection module itself is very dynamic, it will always require:
import xmatters
environment = xmatters.xMattersAPI("https://<instance>", "rest_username", "rest_password")
xm_collection = xmatters.xMattersCollection(environment)
max_thread_count = 5
xm_collection.create_collection(INSERT_METHOD_NAME, ARRAY_OF_DATA, max_thread_count)
Where in the above INSERT_METHOD_NAME is the associated Create, Update, or Delete method. Where ARRAY_OF_DATA is the associated data to send to the function.
The ARRAY_OF_DATA must match the signature of the method being called, so for instance, since xMattersGroup.create_group
accepts a parameter named data
, ARRAY_OF_DATA in this case must look like to match the method signature:
[{"data":{"targetName": "groupname_1"}}, {"data":{"targetName": "groupname_2"}}, {"data":{"targetName": "groupname_3"}}]
In another scenario, since xMattersShift.add_member_to_shift
accepts 3 parameters named group_id
, shift_id
, and member_id
, ARRAY_OF_DATA in this case must look like to match the method signature:
[{"group_id": "groupname_1", "shift_id": "Default Shift", "member_id": "username_1"}, {"group_id": "groupname_1", "shift_id": "Default Shift", "member_id": "username_2"}, {"group_id": "groupname_1", "shift_id": "Default Shift", "member_id": "username_3"}]
Script Example:
import xmatters
import logging
import json
logging.basicConfig(filename="log.log",level=10,datefmt="%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S",format="%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
environment = xmatters.xMattersAPI("https://<instance>", "rest_username", "rest_password")
xm_collection = xmatters.xMattersCollection(environment)
max_thread_count = 5
# Example person thread creation
xm_person = xmatters.xMattersPerson(environment)
person_data = []
for x in range(10):
person_data.append({"data":{"targetName": "username_"+str(x), "firstName": "username_"+str(x), "lastName": "username_"+str(x), "roles": ["Group Supervisor"]}})
person_create_response = xm_collection.create_collection(xm_person.create_person, person_data, max_thread_count)"Success Response: "+json.dumps(person_create_response["response"]))"Error Response: " + json.dumps(person_create_response["errors"]))
# Example group thread creation
xm_group = xmatters.xMattersGroup(environment)
group_data = []
for x in range(10):
group_data.append({"data":{"targetName": "groupname_"+str(x)}})
group_create_response = xm_collection.create_collection(xm_group.create_group, group_data, max_thread_count)"Success Response: "+json.dumps(group_create_response["response"]))"Error Response: " + json.dumps(group_create_response["errors"]))
# Example of add member thread
xm_shift = xmatters.xMattersShift(environment)
member_data = []
for x in range(10):
member_data.append({"group_id": "groupname_"+str(x), "shift_id": "Default Shift", "member_id": "username_"+str(x)})
member_create_response = xm_collection.create_collection(xm_shift.add_member_to_shift, member_data, max_thread_count)"Success Response: "+json.dumps(member_create_response["response"]))"Error Response: " + json.dumps(member_create_response["errors"]))
# uncomment below to delete execution from above
# remove_user_data = []
# remove_group_data = []
# for x in range(10):
# remove_user_data.append({"person_id":"username_"+str(x)})
# remove_group_data.append({"group_id":"groupname_"+str(x)})
# person_remove_response = xm_collection.create_collection(xm_person.remove_person, remove_user_data, max_thread_count)
# group_remove_response = xm_collection.create_collection(xm_group.remove_group, remove_group_data, max_thread_count)
Below is an example of retrieving information from xMatters
import xmatters
import logging
import json
logging.basicConfig(filename="log.log",level=10,datefmt="%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S",format="%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
environment = xmatters.xMattersAPI("https://<instance>", "rest_username", "rest_password")
xm_collection = xmatters.xMattersCollection(environment)
xm_event = xmatters.xMattersEvent(environment)
max_thread_count = 5
page_size = 100
today_date = str(
# today_date = '2020-04-04' # uncomment to override above to a past date stamp
events = xm_event.get_events(
'form=' + urllib.parse.quote('&from=' + today_date + urllib.parse.quote('T00:00:00.000Z', safe=''))'Received events ' + json.dumps(events))'Getting User Deliveries for ' + str(len(events['data'])))
current_date_time =
for event in events['data']:
event_user_delivery = xm_event.get_user_deliveries(event['id'], 'at=' + str(
current_date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')) + '&offset=0&limit='+str(page_size))
if not event_user_delivery:'No log data found for event id ' + event['eventId'] + ' moving to next event id.')
# if above the page size limit execute the collection
if event_user_delivery['total'] > config.responses['page_size']:
param_data = {
"url_filter": 'at=' + str(current_date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')),
"event_id": event['id']
event_user_delivery_collection = xm_collection.get_collection(xm_event.get_user_deliveries, event_user_delivery['total'], page_size, param_data, max_thread_count)
event_user_delivery = event_user_delivery_collection['response']
else: # otherwise continue on with that initial request
event_user_delivery = event_user_delivery['data']
log.debug('Retrieved event_user_delivery data: ' + json.dumps(event_user_delivery))'Retrieved event_user_delivery ' + str(len(event_user_delivery)))
For specific method signature detail see the file documented above for specifics.
Below is an example of interfacing with xMattersDynamicTeams
. Below are the methods available:
- create_dynamic_team: Requires the json object to create the xMatters record as documented on the xMatters REST API
For specific method signature detail see the file documented above for specifics.
Below is an example of interfacing with xMattersPlans
. Below are the methods available:
- get_plan: Requires the plan id and accepts an optional url filter string
For specific method signature detail see the file documented above for specifics.
Below is an example of interfacing with xMattersLibraries
. Below are the methods available:
- get_libraries: Requires the plan id and accepts an optional url filter string
This directory contains misc. utilities that provide benefits to users executing ETL processes with pyxmatters. is a class responsible for reading csv files. The intent of this class is to treat a csv like a sql db.
The core function leveraged in is get_rows, below are the details for the function
Method: def get_rows(self, columns, select=None, distinct=None, delimiter_to_array=None):
columns [Array] (Required):
Array of string objects that are to be retrieved from the file i.e.,
['targetName', 'roles'] will only return identified headers
["*"] will return all columns
select [Set or Dict] (Optional): This is a single SELECT statement
Pass either a set() i.e. {"targetName"}
or Pass a dict() i.e. {"targetName": "Application Developers"}
This will be default only accept the first value passed in either the set or dict
distinct [Boolean] Optional: This field will return duplicate rows for a key if false, if true will
return every occurrence for a key
delimiter_to_array [String](Optional): delimiter to be used to split a field value to an array, i.e.
if ";" provided: ldavid;jseinfeld --> ['ldavid', 'jseinfeld']
Save the file below as a dynamic_teams.csv in UTF-8 Encoding:
Dynamic Teams 1,jerry.seinfeld,Company Supervisor,OR,CUSTOM_FIELD,City,EQUALS,Philadelphia
Dynamic Teams 1,jerry.seinfeld,Company Supervisor,OR,CUSTOM_FIELD,City,EQUALS,Washington D.C.
Dynamic Teams 2,larry.david;jerry.seinfeld,REST Web Service User;Company Supervisor,OR,CUSTOM_FIELD,City,EQUALS,Based at Home
Dynamic Teams 2,larry.david;jerry.seinfeld,REST Web Service User;Company Supervisor,OR,CUSTOM_FIELD,City,EQUALS,Brooklyn
Dynamic Teams 2,larry.david;jerry.seinfeld,REST Web Service User;Company Supervisor,OR,CUSTOM_FIELD,City,EQUALS,Hoboken
Dynamic Teams 2,larry.david;jerry.seinfeld,REST Web Service User;Company Supervisor,OR,CUSTOM_FIELD,City,EQUALS,West Village
Execute the below for testing:
import xmatters
import logging
import json
logging.basicConfig(filename='log.log',level=10,datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S',format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
dynamic_teams_file = xmatters.Column("dynamic_teams.csv", "utf-8-sig")
# 1.) Pass: Return specific columns, this should return every occurrence of the targetName
dynamic_teams_data = dynamic_teams_file.get_rows(["targetName"])
# 2.) Pass: Return all columns and delimiter
dynamic_teams_data = dynamic_teams_file.get_rows(["*"], None, None, ";")
# 3.) Passed: Return all columns, this should return every occurrence of the targetName
dynamic_teams_data = dynamic_teams_file.get_rows(["*"], {"targetName"}, False, ";")
# 4.) Passed: Return a distinct list of targetNames
dynamic_teams_data = dynamic_teams_file.get_rows(["*"], {"targetName"}, True, ";")
# 5.) Passed: Should only return a distinct list of the passed key/value
dynamic_teams_data = dynamic_teams_file.get_rows(["*"], {"targetName": "Dynamic Teams 2"}, True, ";")
# 6.) Passed: Should return every occurrence of the passed key/value
dynamic_teams_data = dynamic_teams_file.get_rows(["*"], {"targetName": "Dynamic Teams 2"}, False, ";") is a helper class for displaying start and end durations of a running process
import xmatters
import time
time_util = xmatters.TimeCalc()
# time start
start = time_util.get_time_now()
print("Starting Process: " + time_util.format_date_time_now(start))
# sleep for one second
# time end
end = time_util.get_time_now()
print("Process Duration: " + time_util.get_diff(end, start))
- Variables: should always be lower case, separated by
Do not use camel casing. - Methods: should always be lower case, separated by
and do not use camel casing. - Classes: PyCharm and Python oriented editors will always bark at the
prefix, but keep consistent with the standard ofxMatters<purpose>
- Keep consistent with short and brief file names, all lower case, separated by
and do not use camel casing.
and twine
are required for packaging and uploading:
pip3 install wheel
pip3 install twine
- Update the version in the Increment by 1 and keep existing structure
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*
Before updating GitHub:
- For MacOS users: Recursively remove compiled files prior to uploading to GitHub
- From within src directory (i.e.
) execute the following:find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo$)" | xargs rm -rf
- From within src directory (i.e.
To test locally uninstall the package by:
sudo pip3 uninstall pyxmatters
- add
to the local directory in which you want to test and then importxmatters
as you normally would to begin testing