- Copy the
and paste with the name.env
- Execute the command
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose exec mysql sh -c 'export MYSQL_PWD="$MYSQL_PASSWORD";exec mysqldump -u wordpress site' > ./database.sql
If you are running windows you need mount the volume
and pass the gzip command into the exec and save the file on the mounted volume.
$ docker-compose exec mysql sh -c 'export MYSQL_PWD="$MYSQL_PASSWORD";exec mysqldump -u wordpress site' | gzip -9 -c > database.sql.gz
$ sed -i 's/http:\/\/dev.com/http:\/\/mynewsite.com/g' ./database.sql
You only need define your ip address in the os enviroment variable IP_ADDRESS
on linux for example you can execute the command
$ IP_ADDRESS=$(hostname -I | cut -d' ' -f1) docker-compose up -d
Other command to get the ip could be
$(ip addr show wlp2s0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')
Also if you are using Visual Code
in the debugger process you can add the follow config to support the debbugger:
"pathMappings": {