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Borick edited this page Oct 13, 2022 · 11 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of these questions answered here were written a while ago so some can answer while not wrong might be slightly outdated. If you do not find the answer to your question here please do visit the Discord: You can ask any other question there. (After confirming via a reaction in the #faq channel that you have read the FAQs.)

Where can I find the addon?

Easiest way to find and intall the addon would be using any addon manager. Also you can always download the latest stable release from: If you rather want the newest version which can contain new features which are still being developed you can it from: (If you are using this version be sure to copy the "Guidelime" folder contained in the "Guidelime-master" folder into your "Addons" folder. Do not rename "Guidelime-master" to "Guidelime".)

What is the easiest way to install the addon and guides?

The easiest way would be to use an addon manager. Just search for Guidelime and install Guidelime plus any guides you want. If you are using the Curseforge app you might need to right-click Guidelime and select Reinstall to force it to download the latest version.

When I have downloaded a guide module where should I install it?

Guides modules must be installed in your Addons folder the same way as you would install any other addon.

What guides are currently available for Guidelime?

See for a complete list of available guides.

Does Guidelime include Joanas guide?

No, Joana develops his own AddOn so we are not allowed to copy it 1:1. Some of our guides have smilar routes though.

How do I open the window again after I closed it accidentally?

Type /lime or go to Interface Options, AddOns, Guidelime, Options and click on show window.

My window disappeared / some quest steps do not get completed and / or the guide window is suddenly empty / stops working. What is going on here?

This might be due to an error. In earlier versions there were bugs that might be causing these issues on certain quests. Please do redownload the addon from curseforge or using an addon manager. You might not even have to restart the game. Just try to redownload the addon and enter /reload.

When you are sure you are running the current version please install the following two small addons: BugSack and BugGrabber. This will let you see the error message that occured. (There will be a small red bag icon at your minimap.) Head over to #bug-report on our Discord, check whether the same thing has been reported, and if not post your error message along with a short description about what happened there. Please also post which guide you were using. Your help in improving the addon and reducing the number of bugs would be greatly appreciated!

Is there a way to make a hotkey so you don't have to click the boxes manually?

You can hotkey /lime skip. That will click all boxes of the current steps.

Is there a way to manually mark a step as completed as sometimes it doesnt get trigger automatically?

When a quest does not trigger this would be an error in the guide. Please help the guide writer by reporting this to them. Meanwhile you can use the command /lime complete in order to temporarily mark the quest as completed. (This is a temporary fix only. The step will reappear after reload. The only real fix would be having the guide corrected.)

When I save a guide via the editor, where is it saved to?

They are saved to World of Warcraft\_classic_\WTF\Account\Account\SavedVariables\Guidelime.lua

How can I get my own guide into the addon / share guides that i have written (either with the in-built editor or outside of the client) with other people?

You should create your own addon such as "Guidelime_MyGuides" which will only contain your guides and use Guidelime as a dependency. Instructions on how to create such an addon can be found on: Once you have your guide in its own addon you can put that in a zip file an share it with other people.

Can i put a donation link into my guide?

You can put donations links for example on your curseforge page, but not into the guide itself. If you do you risk the addon getting reported. Read here for more infomation: (I know not the newest link but I guess it would still apply.)


Is Guidelime available for Burning Crusade Classic? Are there any guides for Draenei, Blood Elf, Outland?

Yes! The addon is fully compatible with TBC and even contains a couple of new features. There are guides available for Alliance and Horde for leveling up to 70.


What about Wrath of the Lich King? Are there guides too?

Yes! The addon is fully compatible with Wrath as well. There is a guide available for Alliance and Horde for leveling from 1-80 including the Death Knight starting zone and Northrend.

Do I need a separate version of the addon for WOTLK / Classic era?

Yes, when installing the addon please check that you are having the correct download for your game version.

Guidelime says I have to install 'Questie'. Apparently it requires another addon. Is this correct? This has not been the case in the past.

Yes, in order to use Guidelime for WOTLK you will need to install Questie as well. (You can use any addon manager to install it or download it from If you are playing on Classic era you can run Guidelime without another addon as you might have been used to. In TBC and Wrath when loading a guide that contains any new quest you will see a message telling you to install 'Questie'.

But why?? I'm using Guidelime so I do not have to use Questie.

Questie is used as a quest database. It provides a lot of important data to Guidelime such as locations of npcs and mob spawns, also quest prerequisites, and localized names. Collecting and maintaining this data is a huge amount of work and we are thankful to be able to access it. Without this data WOTLK/TBC guides could not be used at all. A great advantage of relying on the database provided by another addon instead of the static internal database which was used for Classic is also that they get regular updates. So in case there should be errors in the data these will likely get fixed soon.

If you do not like Questie cluttering your map with exclamation and question marks and mob spawn locations just press "Hide Questie". Since Guidelime will show all the positions relevant for your current guide step this is very much recommended.

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