The classic Space Invaders game written in JavaScript as a learning exercise. No jQuery or any other third party libraries, just raw js/html.
What's there to say? It's Space Invaders in JavaScript! Create the game, give it a div to draw to, tell it when the keyboard is mashed and that's all you need to add Space Invaders to a wesite.
The Space Invaders Javascript code is all in one file - why is this? Well this is actually part of a series of experiments that are used as tutorials, and at this stage we're keeping things simple with single files.
First, drop the spaceinvaders.js file into the website.
Now add a canvas to the page.
<canvas id="gameCanvas"></canvas>
Finally, add the Space Invaders game code. You create the game, intialise it with the canvas, start it and make sure you tell it when a key is pressed or released. That's it!
// Setup the canvas.
var canvas = document.getElementById("gameCanvas");
canvas.width = 800;
canvas.height = 600;
// Create the game.
var game = new Game();
// Initialise it with the game canvas.
// Start the game.
// Listen for keyboard events.
var pressedKeys = [];
window.addEventListener("keydown", function keydown(e) {
var keycode = window.event.keycode || e.which;
pressedKeys[keycode] = true;
// Supress further processing of left/right/space (37/29/32)
if(keycode == 37 || keycode == 39 || keycode == 32) {
window.addEventListener("keyup", function keydown(e) {
var keycode = window.event.keycode || e.which;
delete pressedKeys[keycode];
- The sounds came from