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Creating a simple Book store app using MERN with CURD Operation and this the frontend portion of the complete project

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Book Store App 📚

Welcome to the Book Store App! This application allows users to manage books in a bookstore with basic CRUD functionality. Users can add, view, update, and delete books in the inventory. The app features a toggle between table and card views for book listings and provides a compact modal view for quick book details.

🚀 Live Demo

🛠️ Technologies Used


  • React - For building interactive UI components.
  • Vite - Fast development setup for React.
  • Tailwind CSS - For styling components with a modern utility-first approach.
  • Axios - For making API requests to the backend.
  • React Router - For navigation within the app.


  • Node.js & Express - For building the REST API.
  • MongoDB & Mongoose - For database and data modeling.
  • dotenv - For managing environment variables securely.

📂 Folder Structure


  • src/components - Contains reusable components (e.g., BackButton, Spinner, etc.).
  • src/pages - Holds main pages like CreateBook and BookList.
  • src/styles - CSS files for custom styling.
  • .env - Stores environment variables such as the API URL.


  • models/ - Contains Mongoose schemas for the MongoDB collections.
  • routes/ - Defines routes for different operations (e.g., book CRUD operations).
  • index.js - Entry point of the Express server.
  • .env - Environment variables (e.g., database connection string).

🌟 Features

CRUD Operations

  • Create: Add new books with details like title, author, publish year, and description.
  • Read: View the list of all books with options to toggle between table and card views.
  • Update: Modify book details.
  • Delete: Remove books from the database.

View Options

  • Table View: Lists books in a structured table format.
  • Card View: Displays books as individual cards with key details.
  • Toggle: Users can switch between table and card views as per their preference.

Modal View

  • Quick View Modal: Provides a compact modal for quick information on selected books without navigating away from the main view.

🛠️ Installation


Backend Setup

  1. Clone the backend repository:
    git clone
    cd Book_Store_App-Backend
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the root folder and add your MongoDB connection string and any other environment variables:
  4. Start the server:
    npm run dev
    This will start the backend server on http://localhost:5555 by default.

Frontend Setup

  1. Clone the frontend repository:
    git clone [](
    cd Book_Store_App-Frontend
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the root folder and set the API URL:
  4. Start the development server:
    npm run dev
    This will start the frontend on http://localhost:3000 by default.

📑 API Endpoints

The backend API provides the following endpoints for managing books:

  • GET /books - Get all books.
  • POST /books - Add a new book.
  • PUT /books/:id - Update an existing book by ID.
  • DELETE /books/:id - Delete a book by ID.

⚙️ Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables:


  • VITE_API_URL - The base URL for the backend API.


  • MONGO_URI - Your MongoDB connection string.
  • PORT - The port number for the server (default is 5555).

🧑‍💻 Future Enhancements

  • Authentication: Add user authentication for a personalized experience.
  • Pagination: Implement pagination for improved performance with large datasets.
  • Search and Filters: Add filters and a search bar to quickly find books.
  • Ratings & Reviews: Allow users to rate and review books.

🤝 Contributing

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a feature branch.
  3. Commit your changes.
  4. Push to the branch.
  5. Create a new Pull Request.

📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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Contact 📬

If you have any questions or need support, feel free to reach out to:

Mayur Dilip Kamble
📧 Email: [email protected]


Creating a simple Book store app using MERN with CURD Operation and this the frontend portion of the complete project






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