Aggregate a column of data in a CSV file over certain time buckets.
I'm using this to track what I spend. I get a CSV dump of my spend from an app called toshl, tagged like so:
"Date","Entry (tags)","Expense amount","Currency","Description" "2013-02-17","insurance","9.99","GBP","" "2013-02-17","coke","1.5","GBP","" "2013-02-16","booze","3.6","GBP","" "2013-02-16","booze","3.6","GBP","" ...
I can then use csv-bucket to aggregate this data over calendar weeks or months. E.g.
$ cat input.csv | grep booze | ./ --mode weekly -n bucket,value 11th February 2013 to 17th February 2013,36.85 4th February 2013 to 10th February 2013,18.50 28th January 2013 to 3rd February 2013,37.90 21st January 2013 to 27th January 2013,10.18
$ cat input.csv | grep booze | ./ --mode monthly -n bucket,value February 2013,78.75 January 2013,24.68
I can then make a pretty graph showing my slow decent into alcoholism