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Michael Chavinda edited this page Apr 25, 2018 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the froid wiki!

froid is a library for programming Android applications in the Frege programming language. The project is still nascent but usable. The plan is to have it mostly functional by May 2019 (Android is a HUGE library to define bindings to). Till then the project is under active development and contributions are welcome.

Building a project using froid

Meant for use with Android Studio.

Setting up the froid

Add the following line to the top of your app's gradle file.

apply from: ''

Syntax highlighting and more AndroidStudio-friendly use

For syntax highlighting download the Haskell plugin for Android studio (File -> Settings -> Plugins). To enable Haskell syntax highlighting for Frege, got to File -> Settings -> Editor -> FileTypes and add the extension *.fr to the list of extensions for Haskell files.

Obfuscaton and minifying

To create a minified jar add the following proguard rules to your project. In essence most of what you're doing is removing warnings for Frege code.

Future build work

At some point I intend to make a Frege plugin for intelliJ/Android Studio. Manual configuration is tedious. Gradle/Intellij/Android Studio experts are welcome.