The MEC site is a server and service provider closer to the end user (IoT) and implements an Industry4.0 management and orchestration (MANO) system to increase the performance by:
- hosting microservices (Applications containerized)
- monitoring infrastructure, applications and communication resources
- processing monitored metrics
- optimizing processed metrics
- scaling resources
- slicing networks and resources (edge-slicing)
The hosting of the applications is performed in a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster running in a virtual machine (VM) on top of an OpenStack private cloud server. The applications are containerized as Docker containers and are deployed in the K8s cluster as Pod instances. The K8s cluster consists of only one node with both master and worker functionalities, to simplify its deployment and is divided into seperated working spaces, called namespaces, to run applications in a better resource management manner. Prometheus, the monitoring tool of the whole infrastructure, is running as a Pod inside the cluster, in the namespace monitoring, and is responsible for monitoring the K8s cluster, Prometheus itself, and all the rest hosting applications.
Moreover, Prometheus retrieves metrics from a 5G network, which complements the BIND5G architecture and provides the communication of the Industry4.0 IoT devices. The 5G network utilized by the project is an Amarisoft propietary solution and consists of two main components, the LTEENB and LTEMME, implemented entirely in software and running on a PC. LTEENB is an LTE/NR base station (eNodeB/gNodeB), while LTEMME is an LTE EPC (Evolved Packet Core)/NR 5GC (5G Core Network) implementation. The metrics are exposed to the Prometheus server with the help of an Amarisoft exporter running in the K8s cluster.
Finally, the K8s cluser is added to OSM, an open-source Management and Orchestration stack aligned with ETSI NFV Information Models. The purpose of this integration is for onboarding Kubernetes Network Functions (KNFs) orchestrated by OSM, from one hand side to scale MEC´s resources when it is necessary, and on the other hand side to slice the networks in order to build an infrastructure that is fully programmable, automated and designed for the Industry4.0 needs.
Therefore, this document provides guidelines on how to set-up a K8s cluster and integrated it with OSM, and how to expose infrastructure, application and network type of metrics to a Prometheus server.
The reader will be familiar with basic kubectl commands and will learn i) how to install, apply, delete, and edit Kubernetes manifest files, ii) how to get lists of Pods, Deployments, Services and Namespaces, iii) how to install and upgrade helm charts, iv) how to connect applications to a Prometheus server, v) understand how to monitor a K8s cluster and vi) learn basic osm commands to create a vim account and add a K8s cluster to OSM.
Note: To follow this tutorial, a clean ubuntu distribution is needed either in a bare-metal machine or a virtual machine. Also, an IDE program needs to be installed in order to create and edit manifest files. Optionally to browse application GUIs, a browser needs to be installed as well.
A K8s cluster is composed of many nodes, which can be splitted into two types:
- The master node, which hosts the K8s control plane that controls and manages the whole K8s system
- The worker nodes that run the actual applications which are deployed
The more efficient way to a fully functioning Kubernetes cluster is by using kubeadm. kubeadm is a tool that sets up a single or multi-node cluster that is great for both testing Kubernetes and developing apps in bare-metal implementations. Also, it is a manual cluster installation that helps us to configure it in that way to be compliant with OSM. Other possible methods to set up a K8s cluster can be found here .
To create a K8s cluster on a bare-metal or virtual machine, a container runtime, the kubelet, kubectl, and kubeadm tool must be installed.
A container runtime, also known as container engine, is a software component that can run containers on a host operating system. Docker (Containerd) is the leading container system, offering a full suite of features, with free or paid options. It is the default Kubernetes container runtime, providing image specifications, a command-line interface (CLI) and a container image-building service.
The kubelet, in Kubernetes, is an agent that runs on every computing node and receives commands specifying what containers should be running, and relays them to a container runtime on the node. It also collects information from the container runtime about currently running containers, and passes it back to the Kubernetes control plane.
kubectl is the command line tool for communicating with a Kubernetes cluster's control plane and kubeadm, as described above, is the tool to set-up a K8s cluster.
Getting the Docker gpg key to install docker:
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
Add the Docker Ubuntu repository:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
Update the packages:
sudo apt-get update
Install docker and docker components:
sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli
Get the Kubernetes gpg key:
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
Add the Kubernetes repository:
cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list deb kubernetes-xenial main EOF
Update the packages:
sudo apt-get update
Install kubelet, kubeadm, and kubectl with the latest or a specific version:
sudo apt-get install -y kubelet=1.20.11-00 kubeadm=1.20.11-00 kubectl=1.20.11-00
Hold them at the current version:
sudo apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl
Beforehand swappoff the swapp memory
sudo swapoff -a
Initialize the kubeadm cluster
sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=
Set up local kubeconfig
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
Note: In ~/.kube/config lies K8s cluster configuration file. This file will be neccessary later to add the K8s cluster to OSM
Apply Flannel CNI network overlay
kubectl apply -f
Since we want to follow an all-in-one node approach, we have to schedule pods in the master.
Untaint the master:
kubectl taint nodes --all
The K8s cluster to be added later on and integrates with OSM must fullfil the following requirements:
- installation and configuration of a load balancer for the cluster
- installation of a persistent volume storage (openebs) and define it as the default storageclass
- special permission of Tiller
Metallb is a very powerful, easy to configure, load balancer for kubernetes.
Apply the following k8s manifest to install it in the cluster:
kubectl apply -f
After the installation, metallb has to be configured. The configuration of metallb in layer2 is via a Configmap kind manifest. Thus a configuration_metallb.yaml file has to be created (e.g in an IDE program) and has to be applied in the cluster The configmap kind manifest looks like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
namespace: metallb-system
name: config
config: |
- name: default
protocol: layer2
Note: Visual studio code is an efficient IDE to syntax yaml manifests
Create the configuration_metallb.yaml file
Apply the file into the cluster:
kubectl apply -f configuration_metallb.yaml
Note: We should ensure that the range of IP address defined in metallb are accessible from outside the cluster and is not overlapped with other devices in that network. Also this network should be reachable from OSM since OSM will need it to communicate with the cluster.
Next, apply a kubernetes persistent volume storage with the following manifest:
kubectl apply -f
Check if there is a default storageclass in the cluster after the installation:
kubectl get storageclass
Until now, there is not default storageclass defined. Define openebs-hostpath as default storageclass with the command below:
kubectl patch storageclass openebs-hostpath -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
Confrim the default starageclass and check the results:
kubectl get storageclass
For Kubernetes clusters > 1.15 there is needed special permission of Tiller that can be added by the following command:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default
Note: It is possible the Tiller permission to be already configured in the latest versions of K8s.
At this point we have a full-functioning K8s cluster. To obtain more information of the cluster, the running Nodes and Pods, we can execute the following commands. As we can see, all commands use kubectl, the command line communication tool for the K8s cluster.
Obtain information for the cluster
kubectl cluster-info
List the running Nodes (option
-o wide
gives more info)kubectl get nodes
orkubectl get nodes -o wide
List all the running Pods in all the Namespaces
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
orkubectl get pods -A
List the Namespaces of the cluster
kubectl get namespaces
Create a Namespace with a spesific name, for example bind5g
kubectl create namespace bind5g
Make a namespace the default working Namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=bind5g
By default the K8s cluster has already a Namespace called default. To return back to default Namespace we simply run again the same command:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=bind5g
Delete the Namespace bind5g
kubectl delete namespace bind5g
Additional docker related commands to obtain inormation for the containers running in the cluster (optional):
List the running containers
sudo docker ps
List the running and stopped containers
sudo docker ps -a
List containers filtered with a specific status
docker ps -f "status=exited"
To deploy toy-example applications in the cluster, we create a separate Namespace called toy-example.
Create namespace toy-example
kubectl create Namespace toy-example
Check the creation of toy-example Namespace:
kubectl get namespace
List the Pods under this Namespace:
kubectl get pods -n toy-example
Note: As we havent deployed any pods yet, the output of this commnad will be no resources found in this namespace
Also, we create a folder for all the toy-example applications in the host machine with mkdir toy-example
First, we deploy a simple php-apache web application from an online yaml manifest file into the toy-example namespace:
Apply the php-apache web app into the cluster
kubectl apply -f --namespace=toy-example
Next, we add load (infinite web requests) with another manifest file called infinity-calls.yaml. If we monitor later on the behaviour of this application with Prometheus the added load will provoke changes on the performance of the application. The manifest file of infinity-calls.yaml is described in the following code:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: infinite-calls-nginx
app: infinite-calls-nginx
replicas: 1
app: infinite-calls-nginx
name: infinite-calls-nginx
app: infinite-calls-nginx
- name: infinite-calls-nginx
image: busybox
- /bin/sh
- -c
- "while true; do wget -q -O- http://my-nginx; done"
Navigate into the toy-example folder in the machine
cd toy-example
Create and apply the infinite-calls.yaml to the cluster
kubectl apply -f infinite-calls-nginx.yaml --namespace=toy-example
Check the current running pods in the toy-example namespace
kubectl get pods -n toy-example
Check the deployment and service of the pod
kubectl get deployments -n toy-example kubectl get service -n toy-example
Create the following manifest file with an IDE to toy-example folder
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: mongodb-deployment labels: app: mongodb spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: mongodb template: metadata: labels: app: mongodb spec: containers: - name: mongodb image: mongo ports: - containerPort: 27017 --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: mongodb-service spec: selector: app: mongodb ports: - protocol: TCP port: 27017 targetPort: 27017
Apply the manifest file to the K8s cluster
kubectl apply -f mongodb_app.yaml --namespace=toy-example
Check the pod, deployment and service of the mongodb application
kubectl get deployments -n toy-example kubectl get service -n toy-example kubectl get pods -n toy-example
In this part, we deploy a simple nodejs Hello World application that has only a Deployment Kubernetes kind in the manifest file and is configured to create 5 pods of the same application.
Apply it in the K8s cluster:
kubectl apply -f --namespace=toy-example
Check the Pod, Deployment, Service and Replicasets of the nodejs application
kubectl get deployments -n toy-example kubectl get service -n toy-example kubectl get pods -n toy-example kubectl get replicasets -n toy-example
We will notice that there is no Service related to this application. Every Deployment kind always creates a Pod (1 or more depending the value of Replicasets). To expose the application to the outside world a Service kind is needed.
Create a Service object that exposes the deployment:
kubectl expose deployment hello-world -n toy-example --type=LoadBalancer --name=my-nodejs-service
Note: hello-world is the name of the Deployment and my-nodejs-service is the name of the Service
Note: kubectl apply -f command creates and deployes a file which is either in the web (online in a repo) or in a host folder. To delete a deployed application we use
kubectl delete -f applicaition_name.yaml
When we want to delete a yaml file we deployed from the host computer we must be on the same folder this file exists. Then we can execute the kubectl delete command.
To monitor a K8s cluster and its running applications there are native and third party solutions. For example metrics-server lies under the native solutions while Prometheus is an open-source monitoring tool, which can be installed and deployed inside the cluster.
Metrics-server is a scalable, efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines.
Metrics-server collects resource metrics from kubelets and exposes them in Kubernetes apiserver through Metrics API for use by Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Vertical Pod Autoscaler. Metrics API can also be accessed by kubectl top
, making it easier to debug autoscaling pipelines.
Apply metrics-server in the cluster
kubectl apply -f
Check metrics-server in the K8s cluster
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
If metrics-server is not working properly we have to edit the Deployment
kubectl edit deployment/my-nginx -n kube-system
and add the
line in the Deploymentspec: containers: - args: - --cert-dir=/tmp - --secure-port=4443 - --kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalDNS,InternalIP,ExternalDNS,ExternalIP,Hostname - --kubelet-insecure-tls - --kubelet-use-node-status-port
Another way which is preferred is to configure the components.yaml file from the manifest, but first the initial metrics-server manifest must be deleted
Delete the metrics-server manifest file and then get (download) the file to your host machine
kubectl delete -f wget
Open it with an IDE program. Edit the file by adding
in the Deployment kind and Save it. -
Apply it in the cluster:
kubectl apply -f components.yaml
Check whether the metrics-server app is installed by running the following command:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep metrics-server
Once metrics-server is properly installed, we can use it with
kubectl top pod kubectl top node
This will show us metrics from all the Pods in the default Namespace and metrics from the Nodes.
A Prometheus server can be installed either as a binary or as a container. In a K8s cluster the easiest and most efficient way is through helm charts. Helm charts are a collection of Kubernetes manifest files, which make the installation of an application simpler. kube-prometheus stack is a collection of Kubernetes manifests, Grafana dashboards, and Prometheus rules combined with documentation and scripts to provide easy to operate end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring with Prometheus using the Prometheus Operator.
Note: This chart was formerly named
chart, now renamed to more clearly reflect that it installs thekube-prometheus
project stack, within which Prometheus Operator is only one component.
Installing Helm from binary releases:
wget tar -zxvf helm-v3.6.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
From there, we should be able to run some helm commands and add the stable repo:
helm help helm repo add stable helm repo update helm repo list helm list
More installation methods of helm can be found here .
Back to Prometheus kube-stack installation process, we will get the helm repository and install it.
Get Repo Info
helm repo add prometheus-community helm repo update helm install prometheus-mec prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring --create-namespace --set prometheus.service.type="LoadBalancer"
We notice that with the helm install
command we can pass switches to configure the installation. With -n monitoring
we declare to apply the prometheus stack in the monitoring Namespace, which we actually create it with the --create-namespace
command. Also, we can set the Service type of Prometheus server as LoadBalancer.
Note: There are four types of Kubernetes Services — ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and ExternalName. The type property in the Service's spec determines how the service is exposed to the network.
To change the Service from one type to another, for example from LoadBalancer to NodePort, we can upgrade the helm chart with helm upgrade
Upgrade helm chart
helm upgrade prometheus-mec prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring --set prometheus.service.type="NodePort" --set grafana.service.type="NodePort"
Check status with
kubectl --namespace monitoring get pods -l "release=prometheus-mec"
Obtain all the Kubernetes kinds in the monitoring Namespace with:
kubectl get all -n monitoring
To find more information on how to access the GUI of Prometheus and Grafana, we can focus only on kubectl get service
command and check the collumns TYPE, CLUSTER-IP and PORTS.
List services of monitoring Namespace
kubectl get service -n monitoring
Note: As we mentioned earlier there are four types of Services and one of the is ClusterIP. The collumn though CLUSTER-IP simply denotes the ip address of the Service regardless the Service type
Note: If the Service type of a Pod or Deployment is ClusterIP we can browse this application through the hosts browser. In case we access the cluster remotely for example with ssh and floating ips, we have to change the type to NodePort, and to browse the application we use the floating ip and the NodePort port.
Note: The credentials to access the Grafana GUI are username: admin and password: prom-operator
Kube-eagle is a prometheus exporter which exports various metrics of kubernetes pod resource requests, limits and it's actual usages. It was created with the purpose to provide a better overview of your kubernetes cluster resources, so that you can optimize the resource allocation.
Note: Metrics-server is a prerequisite for Kube Eagle to work.
By using helm charts as in the Prometheus case we simplify the deployment of kube-eagle exporter.
Add helm repo and install it in monitoring Namespace
helm repo add kube-eagle helm repo update helm install kube-eagle kube-eagle/kube-eagle -n monitoring --create-namespace helm upgrade kube-eagle kube-eagle/kube-eagle -n monitoring --set serviceMonitor.create=true --set serviceMonitor.releaseLabel=prometheus-mec
Note: Check how Prometheus server auto-discovers kube-eagle exporter with the release label prometheus-mec in the ServiceMonitor section
Optionally, another way to configure the installation of a helm chart is through the values.yaml file.
See how the values.yaml file looks like with the helm show values
command following with the reponame and chart name:
helm show values kube-eagle/kube-eagle
We can use the values.yaml file either with the helm install
or with the helm upgrade
Run again the
helm show values
command and save the output into a yaml filehelm show values kube-eagle/kube-eagle > values.yaml
Edit the values.yaml file and apply it again in the cluster
helm upgrade kube-eagle kube-eagle/kube-eagle -n monitoring -f values.yaml
To monitor the mongodb application we deployed on the toy-example Namespace, we need application-specific Prometheus exporters. The Prometheus exporters are intermidiate programs which help us to expose the desired metrics to Prometheus server. These exporters translate the application metrics to Prometheus format and expose the metrics to endpoints. Then Prometheus server with the ServiceMonitor feature discovers the exporter and scrapes its endpoint to collect the metrics. A list of already implemented exporters can be found here and the figure illustrates how Prometheus is scraping the exporters
Note: There are exporter installations with helm charts which makes it easier to be deployed. If an exporter does not come with a helm chart, we have to deploy and configure mannually the exporter in the cluster as we will see later on.
Lets add a mongodb exporter through a helm chart.
Show and save mongodb exporter´s value.yaml file
helm show values prometheus-community/prometheus-mongodb-exporter > values.yaml
Edit it as follows
mongodb: uri: "mongodb://mongodb-service:27017" serviceMonitor: namespace: toy-example additionalLabels: release: prometheus-mec
Install it by passing the value.yaml file
helm install mongodb-exporter prometheus-community/prometheus-mongodb-exporter -f values.yaml --namespace=toy-example
Now, let us deploy an NGINX application with an NGINX exporter as a side-car container and deploy it mannualy in the cluster in the Namespace toy-example.
Create the Deployment kind manifest file
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-website namespace: toy-example labels: app: website spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: website template: metadata: labels: app: website spec: containers: - env: image: imagePullPolicy: Always name: igou-website ports: - containerPort: 80 livenessProbe: httpGet: scheme: HTTP path: / port: 80 initialDelaySeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 30 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d/nginx-status.conf name: nginx-status-conf readOnly: true subPath: nginx.status.conf - name: nginx-exporter image: 'nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.3.0' args: - '-nginx.scrape-uri=http://localhost:8090/nginx_status' ports: - name: nginx-ex-port containerPort: 9113 protocol: TCP imagePullPolicy: Always volumes: - configMap: defaultMode: 420 name: nginx-status-conf name: nginx-status-conf
Create the Service kind manifest file
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: labels: app: website name: nginx-website namespace: toy-example spec: ports: - port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 80 name: http - port: 9113 protocol: TCP targetPort: 9113 name: metrics selector: app: website sessionAffinity: None type: ClusterIP
Create the ConfigMap kind manifest file
apiVersion: v1 data: nginx.status.conf: | server { listen 8090 default_server; location /nginx_status { stub_status; access_log off; } } kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: nginx-status-conf namespace: toy-example
Create the ServiceMonitor kind manifest file
apiVersion: kind: ServiceMonitor metadata: name: nginx-website namespace: toy-example labels: release: prometheus-mec spec: selector: matchLabels: app: website endpoints: - port: metrics interval: 30s
Note: Check how we connect the exporter with the Prometheus server with the additional label, release: prometheus-mec under the metadata section
With ---
inside a yaml file we can separete Kubernetes kinds and we can apply them by calling only one file. For example as we can see below in the same yaml manifest file igou_deployment_service.yaml, we have the Deployment and the Service kind.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-website
namespace: toy-example
app: website
replicas: 3
app: website
app: website
- env:
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: igou-website
- containerPort: 80
scheme: HTTP
path: /
port: 80
initialDelaySeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 30
- mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d/nginx-status.conf
name: nginx-status-conf
readOnly: true
subPath: nginx.status.conf
- name: nginx-exporter
image: 'nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.3.0'
- '-nginx.scrape-uri=http://localhost:8090/nginx_status'
- name: nginx-ex-port
containerPort: 9113
protocol: TCP
imagePullPolicy: Always
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
name: nginx-status-conf
name: nginx-status-conf
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: website
name: nginx-website
namespace: toy-example
- port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
name: http
- port: 9113
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 9113
name: metrics
app: website
sessionAffinity: None
type: ClusterIP
Apply this manifest file to the cluster with
kubectl apply -f igou_deployment_service.yaml
Apply the configmap manifest file
kubectl apply -f igou_cm.yaml
Apply the servicemonitor manifest file
kubectl apply -f igou_sm.yaml
The figure below demonstrates the way metrics are exposed to a Prometheus server running in a K8s cluster
The exposed metrics can be classified into two categories
- K8s cluster metrics
- Metrics for monitoring K8s nodes such as classic sysadmin level metrics (through node-exporter or kube-eagle) cpu, load, memory, disk, etc..
- Orchestration level metrics (through kube-state-metrics) like deployments, pods, replica status, nodes
- Metrics for monitoring containers: Container resource level metrics (through kubelet/cadvisor and kube-eagle
- Specific application metrics
- Metrics exposed by specific exporters, which are either running a a side-car containers alongside the main application´s container or as a seperate deployment kind
The figure below shows the list of the endpoints Prometheus server is scraping. Check the kube-eagle exporter, the NGINX exporter, the mongodb exporter, the node exporter from prometheus-stack, the kube-state-metrics from prometheus stack and kubelet/cadvisor a Kubernetes control plane component which is exposing container and hardware statistics as Prometheus metrics out of the box.
Note: The Amarisoft exporter has not been deployed yet. This snapshot has been taken at the end of the tutorial. Thus, on the next section we will deploy the Amarisoft exporter and configure it to appear in the targets list.
On behalf of BIND5G project the large-scale 5G Amarisoft network is exploited. The large-scale 5G Amarisoft network consists of the core, RAN and UE parts, all running in the same PC as a softwarized solution. Smartphones with 5G sim cards can also be connected to this 5G network. Also, part of the Amarisoft solution are a remote API to provide communication with the RAN and core part, and a GUI to monitor and visualize the status and performance of the network. As a result, there are three ways to monitor the 5G Amarisoft network:
- Remote Api
- Amarisoft server GUI
- Amarisoft monitoring exporter
Bofore we start the monitoring phase, the Amarisoft server must be turned on and be configured either in Non-stand alone (NSA) or stand alone (SA) mode.
Connect to Amarisoft large scale network with ssh from a local terminal:
ssh [email protected] password: ***** sudo su
Choose between NSA or SA mode through the Core-BS configuration procedure.
NSA mode:
Core part:
cd mme/config
ln -sf mme-ims.cfg mme.cfg
Base station part:
cd enb/config
ln -sf swallow_nsa.xml swallow.xml
ln -sf gnb-nsa-dl-ul-slot-conf.cfg enb.cfg
SA mode:
Core part:
cd mme/config
ln -sf mme-ims.cfg mme.cfg
Base station part
cd enb/config
ln -sf swallow_sa.xml swallow.xml
ln -sf gnb-sa.cfg enb.cfg
Initiate the 5G network
- Switch on the socket (V0 or V4)
- Stop Radio Remote Head
service rmu stop
- Reboot Amarisoft large-scale
service lte restart
- Verify the network has been deployed correctly
screen -x lte
- Choose eNB screen (Ctrl+a+n)
for NSA, orng
for SA - To exit from screen (Ctrl+a+d)
- GUI access to check logs or to monitor and visualize Amarisoft server through the browser url:
- Terminate connection and network when your work is done
service lte stop
- Switch off the socket either from V0 or V4
Both Amarisoft EPC/5GC and ENB/gNB are providing communication via a remote API. The protocol used is WebSocket as defined in RFC 6455. The messages exchanged between the client and MME/ENB server are in strict JSON format. The APIs of both EPC and ENB are providing a plethora of messages (config_get, config_set, log_get, stats, ue_get, etc. …). More information can be found in the documentation core and basestation files.
From a local machine running a linux distro, we can request messages to the Amarisost server by running the remote node-js api (ws.js). First though we need to install node.js and websocket.
Install node.js and websocket with:
sudo apt update sudo apt install nodejs node -v sudo apt install npm npm -v sudo npm install nodejs-websocket
Second, we need the ws.js application, which can be found in one of the folders of the Amarisoft server.
Copy and paste it in a folder (amarisoft-websocket) in the machine that hosts the K8s cluster or any other machine with linux terminal:
scp [email protected]:/root/enb/doc/ws.js /home/ubuntu/amarisoft-websocket/
If the command failes due to security reasons, we can follow a reverse approach:
From the machine thar runs the Amarisoft server, copy the ws.js application and paste it in a temporary folder
cp /root/enb/doc/ws.js /tmp/
Change user ownership for the given file
chown user /tmp/ws.js
Copy the app from the Amarisoft server and paste it in the amarisoft-websocket folder to the machine that runs the K8s cluster or any other machine with linix terminal:
scp [email protected]:/tmp/ws.js /home/ubuntu/amarisoft-websocket
Then, we have to navigate to the folder where the ws.js application is cd amarisoft-websocket
, and to request messages.
Request a config_get messages to gNB (5G Base Station):
./ws.js '{"message": "config_get"}'
Request a config_get messagea to mme (5GCore):
./ws.js '{"message": "config_get"}'
Note: Other message-types we can request are: stats, ue_get, logs_get
Note: Amarisoft server can handdle up to 31 simultaneusly websocket connections
To retrieve communication metrics (core and radio) from the 5G network an Amarisoft monitoring exporter is used.
The Amarisoft Radio monitoring is based on Prometheus and on another method called collectd. Collectd is a daemon which collects system and application performance metrics periodically and provides mechanisms to store the values in a variety of ways. The collectd daemon has implemented two plugins. The write_prometheus and the python plugin. The write_prometheus plugin is used to listen to queries from the Prometheus server, but also to translate the metrics to a form that can be read from the Prometheus server. The python plugin embeds a Python interpreter into the collectd and exposes the API to the python-scripts. We can name the Collectd alongside with the python plugin as the amarisoft exporter.
In the amarisoft exporter there are two configuration files that define the IP addresses of the core and base station that need to be monitored. There are also implemented two python Scripts, one for the core and one for the base station that initiate a websocket connection with the Amarisoft server components.
Note: The Amarisoft exporter used for the BIND5G project differentiates from the original one mentioned on the medianetlab repository on the defined metrics. The python scripts defining the metrics have been customized, with ws.close commands and more metric names.
As an optional step, before we deploy the Amarisoft exporter in the K8s cluster, we can deploy it and run it as a container and expose the metrics to another containerized Prometheus server outside of the K8s cluster. In this way, we can relate how containers and pods work.
Also, we will demonstrate two ways to deploy the amarisoft exporter as a container, one with the docker compose
command and the other with the docker run
1st way with the docker compose
Download amarisoft-exporter-application.tar.gz and extract the files
tar -xvzf amarisoft-exporter.tar.gz
Move to the plugins folder to edit the core and base station IPs
cd ~/amarisoft-prometheus-exporter-collectd_20220225/collectd/collectd/data/plugins
Configure the EPC list with the appropriate IP address of the Amarisoft server
vim epc_list.cfg
Configure the ENB list with the appropriate IP address of the Amarisoft server
vim enb_list.cfg
Change folder to collectd
cd collectd
Start the docker as a daemon
sudo docker-compose up -d
Amarisoft exporter is now running, verify metrics show up with:
curl http://localhost:9103/metrics
To stop and remove the container (do not stop it yet, as we need to expose metrics to Prometheus)
sudo docker-compose down
2nd way with the docker run
Download and extract the files as in 1st way
Move to the plugins folder to edit the core and base station IPs
cd ~/amarisoft-prometheus-exporter-collectd_20220225/collectd/collectd/data/plugins
Configure the EPC list with the appropriate IP address of the Amarisoft server
vim epc_list.cfg
Configure the ENB list with the appropriate IP address of the Amarisoft server
vim enb_list.cfg
Change folder to collectd
cd collectd
Run the container
sudo docker run -d -p 9103:9103 -v ${PWD}/data:/etc/collectd -v ${PWD}/data/types.db:/usr/share/collectd/types.db --name amarisoft-exporter-2 medianetlab/collectd
Let's move now to deploy the containerized prometheus server.
Running Prometheus on Docker is as simple as docker run -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus
Run prometheus server
docker run -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus
Prometheus to discover and scrape the containerized Amarisoft exporter has to be configured and a new job name category must be added on the prometheus.yaml file. This is the main configuration file, in which we declare which targets Prometheus scrapes. To edit this file we can do it by creating a file in our host machine and pasting it inside the container.
Create the following file:
# my global config global: scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute. evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute. # scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s). # Alertmanager configuration alerting: alertmanagers: - static_configs: - targets: # - alertmanager:9093 # Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'. rule_files: # - "first_rules.yml" # - "second_rules.yml" # A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape: # Here it's Prometheus itself. scrape_configs: # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config. - job_name: "prometheus" # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics' # scheme defaults to 'http'. static_configs: - targets: ["localhost:9090"] - job_name: "collectd" static_configs: - targets: ["172.17.x.x:9103"]
Note: target IP is the targets-container IP, for example Amarisoft´s exporter container IP. Commands to obtain container´s IP are:
sudo docker exec dockerhive_namenode cat /etc/hosts
, and inside the containerifconfig
,ip a
,systemd-resolve --status | grep Current
,ip -4 -o address
Copy the newly locally created prometheus.yaml file to the container
sudo docker cp prometheus.yaml container_id:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yaml
Or we can enter isnide the container and search for this file.
sudo docker exec –ti container_id sh cd /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yaml
Add the following lines:
- job_name: 'collectd' scrape_interval: 5s static_configs: - targets: ['172.17.x.x:9103']
Edit it with vi or another editor:
vi prometheus.yaml
Restart Prometheus container to update the list of the discovered targets
sudo killall -HUP Prometheus
Note: The comand
sudo killall -HUP Prometheus
we run it while we are inside the container
- Finally access Prometheus GUI at localhost:9090 and check the targets
Extract the files from amarisoft-exporter-application.tar.gz
tar -xf amarisoft-exporter-application.tar.gz
Move to
and edit the enb_list file with IP and the epc_list file with IP. The files can be eddited either with vim or with another editor. -
Use the following manifest file amari_deployment_service_servicemonitor_all.yaml which contains the Deployment, the Service and the ServiceMonitor Kubernetes kind to deploy the Amarisoft exporter into the cluster
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: deployment-amarisoft-exporter-all namespace: amarisoft labels: app: amari-exporter-all spec: selector: matchLabels: app: amari-exporter-all template: metadata: labels: app: amari-exporter-all spec: containers: - name: collectd-exporter image: medianetlab/collectd imagePullPolicy: Always ports: - containerPort: 9103 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/collectd name: data-folder-all - mountPath: /usr/share/collectd/types.db name: types-file-all restartPolicy: Always volumes: - name: data-folder-all hostPath: path: /home/ubuntu/amarisoft-prometheus-exporter-collectd_20220225/collectd/data type: Directory - name: types-file-all hostPath: path: /home/ubuntu/amarisoft-prometheus-exporter-collectd_20220225/collectd/data/types.db type: File --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: labels: app: amari-exporter-all name: service-amarisoft-exporter-all namespace: amarisoft spec: ports: - port: 9103 protocol: TCP targetPort: 9103 name: metrics selector: app: amari-exporter-all type: ClusterIP --- apiVersion: kind: ServiceMonitor metadata: name: amarisoft-exporter-all namespace: amarisoft labels: release: prometheus-mec spec: selector: matchLabels: app: amari-exporter-all endpoints: - port: metrics interval: 5s
Create a folder called amarisoft_manifests, move into the folder, create the file there and apply it into the cluster
mkdir amarisoft_manifests cd amarisoft_manifests kubectl apply -f amari_deployment_service_servicemonitor_all.yaml
Note: Servicemonitor kind is needed for Prometheus to auto-discover the Amarisoft export and to scrape it. This is achieved with the release label prometheus-mec
Check the Amarisoft exporter Pod, Deployment, Service and ServiceMonitor creation in the Namespace amarisoft
kubectl get pods -n amarisoft kubectl get deployments -n amarisoft kubectl get service -n amarisoft kubectl get servicemonitor -n amarisoft
Confirm that Prometheus server from the monitoring Namespace discovers the exporter and also scrapes it by browsing Prometheus GUI -> Status -> Targets
Check that Amarisoft exporter is running properly through the logs, where amarisoft_exporter_pod_name is the name of the Amarisoft Pod from the
kubectl get pod -n amarisoft
commandkubectl logs <amarisoft_exporter_pod_name> -n amarisoft
Since pods are abstraction layers of containers we can see the same logs from the running container inside the od
Check container´s logs
sudo docker ps | grep collectd sudo docker log <container_id>
The retrieved metrics from the Core network are:
- List of NGAP connections betweens RANs and AMF (PLMN, gNB, IP address and port of the RAN, List of the Tracking Areas served by the RAN, Number of UEs in 5GMM-CONNECTED state for this NGAP connection)
- Total downlink bytes in PDNs
- Total uplink bytes in PDNs
- UEs id in the CORE part
- 5GS QoS flow ID. Present for
- NR UEs.
- UEs id in the plmn
- UEs id in the radio part
- RAN id
- Currently registered users
- PDU session ID. Used for NR UEs
- Total downlink transferred bytes of bearers or PDU sessions
- Total uplink transferred bytes of bearers or PDU sessions
The retrieved metrics from the RAN are:
- LTE/5G NR frequency band indicator
- Cell gain in dB
- Downlink frequency
- Downlink EARFCN
- Downlink NR absolute radio frequency channel number
- Cell ID
- Maximum QAM size used in downlink
- Maximum QAM size used in uplink
- Number of downlink resource blocks
- Number of uplink resource blocks
- Number of antennas in the downlink
- Number of antennas in the uplink
- RF port number index
- NR ARFCN of the SSB carrier
- Uplink frequency
- Uplink EARFCN
- Uplink NR absolute radio frequency channel number
- PLMN identity part of the global gNB ID, gNB identity part of the global gNB ID, gNB name
- Total Cell throughput in Downlink (bit/sec)
- Total Cell throughput in Uplink (bit/sec)
- Number of downlink transmitted transport blocks (without retransmissions)
- Number of downlink retransmitted transport blocks
- Number of received uplink transport blocks (without CRC error)
- Number of received uplink transport blocks with CRC errors
- Number of ng connections
- RF port TX-RX average latency
- RF port TX-RX maximum latency
- RF port TX-RX minimum latency
- RF port TX-RX latency standard deviation
- RF CPU usage from the receiver
- Sample rate in MHz
- Maximum sample value for the received samples
- RMS sample value for the received samples
- Number of saturation events in the Tx side
- Maximum sample value for the sent samples
- RMS sample value for the sent samples
- Number of saturation events in the Rx side
- RF transmission frequency, in MHz
- Tx RF transmission gain, in dB
- RF reception frequency, in MHz
- Rx RF reception gain, in dB
- Number of connected users
- Downlink throughput per connected user
- Uplink throughput per connected user
- Channel quality indicator per connected user
- Energy per resource element in dBm per connected user
- Average downlink MCS per connected user
- Average uplink MCS per connected connected user
- SNR in dB per connected user
- Number of downlink retransmitted transport blocks per connected user
- Number of received uplink transport blocks with CRC errors per connected user
- Last reported rank indicator per connected user
- Average turbo/ldpc decoder pass per connected user
- Maximum turbo/ldpc decoder pass per connected user
- Minimum turbo/ldpc decoder pas per connected user
- Number of downlink transmitted transport blocks (without retransmissions) per connected user
- Number of received uplink transport blocks (without CRC error) per connected user
- Last computed UL path loss in dB, estimated from PHR per connected user
- Last received power headroom report. To retrieve the value in dB, refer to 3GPP 36.133 table
OSM installation is based on a K8s cluster deployment. OSM installer creates by default a K8s cluster and inside of it creates a Namespace osm. Under the Namespace osm lies OSM with its elements. Some of these elements are OSM CLI, OSM GUI, MON, Prometheus, and Grafana.
Commands for installing OSM:
wget chmod +x ./
After the installation is finished, list all the OSM elements with:
kubectl get all -n osm
To browse into the OSM GUI with your preferred browser, use the IP of the output of the following command:
kubectl get service/ng-ui -n osm
Note: The credentials for the OSM GUI are username: admin, password: admin
MON is an element to monitor VMs in NFVI and VNFs. The metrics from NFVI are collected through the VIM and the metrics from NFVs are collected through VCA (VNF Configuration and Abstraction). Metrics need to be defined on VNF descriptors for MON to collect them.
OSM installation can include add-ons (extra components), if options are added on the installation command. For example, to install OSM with the k8s_monitor add-on use the command ./ --k8s_monitor
Note: It is suggested though by OSM community not to follow an OSM installation with the k8s_monitor add-on. It is advised users to follow the method that is described below
Install OSM without the monitoring option
Clone the master branch of the OSM devops repo
git clone
Install the monitoring component
Update the OSM Grafana configuration (name of a datasource)
kubectl -n osm apply -f devops/installers/docker/osm_pods/grafana.yaml
Restart the Grafana pod to take changes
export GRAFANA_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n osm -l "app=grafana" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") kubectl -n osm delete pod $GRAFANA_POD
k8s_monitor add-on is for adding some components to monitor the K8s cluster hosting OSM, not VNFs or KNFs. You'll get those additional components in the monitoring Namespace, and not in the osm Namespace. It uses Prometheus operator, node exporter and other exporters for mysql and mongo. OSM without add-ons installation comes by default with another Prometheus server, and a Grafana instance (as pods) in the osm Namespace.
Check where Prometheus of osm Namespace is listening to and browse the GUI with your preferred browser
kubctl get service -n osm
Check where Grafana of osm Namespace is listening to and browse the GUI with your preferred browser
kubctl get service -n osm
Note: The credentials for Grafana GUI are username: admin, password: admin
Check where Prometheus of monitoring Namespace is listening to and browse the GUI with your preferred browser
kubctl get service -n monitoring
Note: --k8s_monitor add-on installs another Prometheus server to monitor the cluster that hosts OSM in the monitoring namespace
OSM ETSI framework can orchestrate virtual, containerized and hybrid network services. To achieve this VNFs and KNFs are needed. VNFs are running on VMs (or Virtual Deployment Units) and KNFs are running on containers (or Kubernetes Deployment Units). VMs are hosted/running in an NFVI and are managed by a virtual orchestration tool like Openstack (to be noted Openstack is more than that as it is a cloud operating system). Containers are hosted/running in a cloud native infrastructure (CNI) and are managed by a container orchestration tool like Kubernetes.
OSM ETSI framework interact with NVFI-VNFs and/or CNI-KNFs through another entity called VIM. Openstack itself can be considered as a VIM and can be added in the VIM list. Although Openstack itself can be considered as a VIM and can be added in the VIM list, a K8s cluster cannot. Thus, and to comply with OSM, a “Dummy” VIM must be created and listed. Therefore, an OSM-VIM(Dummy)-K8s connection is established with the following command on the OSM client:
osm vim-create --name bind5g-vim --user u --password p --tenant p --account_type dummy --auth_url http://localhost/dummy
where the options:
- -- name: Vim´s name, any name can be given
- --user: user´s name, any name can be given
- --password: password´s name, any name can be given
- --tenant: tenant´s name, any name can be given
- --account_type: vim type, dummy name must be given
- --auth_url: vim´s url, a url has to be given even if it doesnt exist since dummy vim is not a phisical vim
As a result, a K8s cluster can be deployed under or outside the VIM´s network.
Under a VIM´s network the cluster is connected to OSM through the hosted VIM and is deployed following the instructions of Method 1 and 2 of ANNEX 7: Kubernetes installation and requirements of OSM´s official documentation.
Outside of the VIM´s network the cluster is connected to OSM through the Dummy VIM and is deployed as Annex 7, Method 3: Manual cluster installation steps for Ubuntu.
Since, the K8s cluster of the MEC site is implemented following the Method 3, we can add the MEC/K8s cluster by executing the following command:
osm k8scluster-add bind5g-cluster --creds /home/ubuntu/bind5g/k8s_cluster/config --vim bind5g-vim --k8s-nets '{k8s_net1: null }' --version 'v1.20.11' --description='K8s baremetal cluster’
where the options:
- --creds: path to k8s config file, the /.kube/config file must be copied and pasted from the machine running the K8s cluster to the machine that runs OSM
- --vim: dummy vim´s name
- --k8s-nets: k8s_net1 is the name of K8s network and null is the nam eof the VIM´s network
- --version: verison of the K8s cluster, version of kubelet,kubectl,kubeadm
- --description: description of the K8s cluster
Note: MEC/K8s cluster is where OSM will deploy KNFs, and it is NOT the K8s cluster on which OSM is installed
Following the above steps, the MEC site with the K8s cluster looks like this:
Note: namespace v3_apps denotes the applications which will be installed in the next steps related to the IoT devices and the Optimizer which will process and optimize the metrics.
A graphical illustration of the integration of the MEC and the OSM alongside with their monitoring components of the BIND5G architecture is shown in the figure below:
A high-level block representation with all the BIND5G components is presented here, where the red arrows show how OSM manages and orchestrates the whole arcitecture:
Functionalities such as scalling K8s cluster resources with OSM and deploying helm-chart with KNFs are discussed and described on the Edge OpenAPI section.