DoctrineSolrBundle is a Symfony bundle designed to mitigate Solr usage in symfony projects
- Auto-indexing doctrine entities in Solr
- Supports wildcard, fuzzy & negative searches by specific entity fields
- Supports Range searches by specific entity fields
- Supports Boosting a Term by specific entity fields
- Supports Solr SuggestComponent
- Supports filters by entity fields or custom symfony service before indexing
- Auto-resolving search results in Doctrine entities
- Supports implementation of separate finder class for particular entity class
- Flexible query building interface
- Cross-search over different entity classes
$ composer require mdiyakov/doctrine-solr-bundle
Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/mdiyakov/doctrine-solr-bundle directory.
Enable the bundle in the kernel :
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Nelmio\SolariumBundle\NelmioSolariumBundle(),
new Mdiyakov\DoctrineSolrBundle\MdiyakovDoctrineSolrBundle(),
// ...
You have to install "NelmioSolariumBundle" also because it's used by MdiyakovDoctrineSolrBundle
- Solr schema.yml created and solr core is initialized
- Solr schema.yml unique field is "uid"
- Solr schema.yml consists "document_id", "document_title" and "discriminator" fields
- AppBundle\Entity\MyEntity is created and has "id" and "title" fields
DoctrineSolrBundle is using "NelmioSolariumBundle" for solarium integration. So you need to set a configuration to use it. Here is minimum config:
nelmio_solarium: ~
The default solr endpoint will be used in this case (http://localhost:8983/solr)
Init bundle configuration in config.yml. Quick example:
class: AppBundle\Entity\MyEntity
schema: my_schema
- { name: config_field_name, value: config_field_value }
document_unique_field: { name: 'uid' }
- { config_field_name: 'config_field_name', document_field_name: 'discriminator', discriminator: true }
- { entity_field_name: 'id', document_field_name: 'document_id', field_type: int, entity_primary_key: true }
- { entity_field_name: 'title', document_field_name: 'document_title', suggester: 'title' }
As a result "id" and "title" fields of "AppBundle\Entity\MyEntity" will be synced with Solr each time "AppBundle\Entity\MyEntity" is created, updated or removed.
If you use doctrine/orm < 2.5 then you have to add an annotation to "AppBundle\Entity\MyEntity" class:
To search "AppBundle\Entity\MyEntity" use the following code:
// MyController
// @var \Mdiyakov\DoctrineSolrBundle\Finder\ClassFinder $finder
$finder = $this->get('ds.finder')->getClassFinder(MyEntity::class);
/** @var MyEntity[] $searchResults */
$searchResults = $finder->findSearchTermByFields($searchTerm, ['title']);
- Getting started with DoctrineSolrBundle
- Regular, fuzzy, wildcard, range and negative search
- Custom finder class
- Filters
- Schema search across multiple entities classes
- Suggestions
- Query building
- Console command to index entities
- Console command to delete entities
- EntityManager. How to flush an entity safe
- Roadmap