Module for configuring Monit and and setting up monitoring of running processes.
Tested on Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 Squeeze. Patches for other operating systems welcome.
Clone this repo to a monit directory under your Puppet modules directory:
git clone git:// monit
If you don't have a Puppet Master you can create a manifest file based on the notes below and run Puppet in stand-alone mode providing the module directory you cloned this repo to:
puppet apply --modulepath=modules test_monit.pp
To install and configure Monit, include the module:
include monit
You can override defaults in the Monit config by including the module with this special syntax:
class { monit: admin => "[email protected] but not on { instance pid ppid }", interval => 30, delay => 240 }
Setting up monitoring of processes is done with the monit::site
Note that the name needs to be the same as an init script in /etc/init.d
monit::monitor { "ssh":
pidfile => "/var/run/",
You can specify a IP port to check if you're running a network process:
monit::monitor { "nginx":
pidfile => "/var/run/",
ip_port => 22,
Alternatively you can specify a Unix socket to check:
monit::monitor { "gunicorn-blog":
pidfile => "/var/run/gunicorn/",
socket => "/var/run/gunicorn/blog.sock",
You can also provide additional checks:
$reload_blog = "/etc/init.d/gunicorn-blog reload"
monit::monitor { "gunicorn-blog":
pidfile => "/var/run/gunicorn/",
socket => "/var/run/gunicorn/blog.sock",
checks => ["if totalmem > 300 MB for 2 cycles then exec \"$reload_blog\"",
"if totalmem > 300 MB for 3 cycles then restart",
"if cpu > 50% for 2 cycles then alert"],