This is a Bash Script Library to create Heading Banners on the Terminal/CUI
1. => Main Source (Library) File 2. => Demo File showing Successful Application 3. => Demo File showing Unsuccessful (Error) Application 4. demo_output.pdf => Graphical Output of '' 5. error_demo_output.pdf => Graphical Output of '' 6. *color_codes.png => Color Codes List * REF -
The source library contains 2 functions. Given below are function calls and descriptive lists of arguments :
1. Assigning Text/String to an Array Variable
sampletext=("\n" "This is a text. How are you? Are you fine? I am fine. Coolie coolie cool." "Buh-bye then! See you later, alligator!" "\n")
sampletext+=("This is a text. How are you? Are you fine? I am fine. Coolie coolie cool.")
sampletext+=("Buh-bye then! See you later, alligator!")
2. Function Calls
mfc_scrollheader "70" "8" "130" "0" "1" "5" "1" "" "${sampletext[@]}"
echo -e "$mfc_headerdesignresult"
<= (Note that the double quotes are very important)
mfc_rectangularheader "80" "8" "0" "1" "1" "5" "1" "1" "1" "0" "" "${sampletext[@]}"
echo -e "$mfc_headerdesignresult"
<= (Note that the double quotes are very important)
- The '-e' is not required for Simple (Character-based) Heading Banners
- Assigning too small values for design lengths or large values for border thickness will lead to a run-time error that results in loss of text
- Use individual '\n' to denote a line break as shown in 'sampletext'
3. List of Arguments
mfc_scrollheader --> Parameter 1 - Columns Parameter 2 - Scroll Sheet Color Code Parameter 3 - Scroll Bar Color Code Parameter 4 - Full Size (Length) Parameter 5 - Scroll Alignment ( 1 => Center; 2 => Left) Parameter 6 - Text Left/Right Offset Parameter 7 - Text Top/Bottom Offset Parameter 8 - Simple Mode Character Parameter N - Data as an Array mfc_rectangularheader --> Parameter 1 - Columns Parameter 2 - Border Color Code Parameter 3 - Full Size (Length) Parameter 4 - Box Alignment ( 1 => Center; 2 => Left) Parameter 5 - Text Alignment ( 1 => Center; 2 => Left) Parameter 6 - Text Left/Right Offset Parameter 7 - Text Top/Bottom Offset Parameter 8 - Design Mode ( 1 => Thickness Mode; 2 => Shadow Mode ) Parameter 9 - Design Mode Value Parameter 10 - Shadow Mode Color Code Parameter 11 - Simple Mode Character Parameter N - Data as an Array
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