Tic tac toe game (X - 0). Built with Ruby. Played in the command line or console. The simplest form of the commonly known game where the winner is the first to connect 3 marks.
First, te game asks for the name of the two players.
Players will take turns to choose an available position in the board.
If a players is succesfull in connecting 3 Xs or 0s then he is declared the winner!
- In a grid of 3 x 3 , with nine available positions, the players take turns to mark a cell at a time until one player can connect 3 of his marks in a row.
- The three connected marks can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
- Once a cell has been marked it cannot be marked again.
- Ruby
To download this project:
Git clone it and then run the ruby command on the main file that is in the bin directory.
- Git
- Ruby language
- Git clone this repo
- cd into folder
- Run: Ruby ./bin/main.rb
👤 Elmer Lopez
- GitHub: @memelopez
- Twitter: @memelopez10
- LinkedIn: Elmer Lopez
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This project is MIT licensed.