This is the official Storyblok PHP client to easy access the content deliver api and management api.
The content delivery client checks the get parameters _storyblok to get the draft version of a specific story and _storyblok_published to clear the cache.
composer require storyblok/php-client dev-master
Initialize the content delivery client with your space draft token for read operations
$client = new \Storyblok\Client('your-storyblok-draft-token');
Initialize the management client with your OAuth token from the my account section for read and write operations
$managementClient = new \Storyblok\ManagementClient('your-storyblok-oauth-token');
GET calls
$spaceId = 'YOUR_SPACE_ID';
$managementClient->get('spaces/' . $spaceId . '/stories')->getBody();
POST calls
$spaceId = 'YOUR_SPACE_ID';
$managementClient->post('spaces/' . $spaceId . '/stories', ['space' => ['name' => 'Manage']])->getBody();
PUT calls
$spaceId = 'YOUR_SPACE_ID';
$storyId = 'YOUR_STORY_ID';
$managementClient->put('spaces/' . $spaceId . '/stories/' . $storyId, ['space' => ['name' => 'Manage']])->getBody();
DELETE calls
$spaceId = 'YOUR_SPACE_ID';
$storyId = 'YOUR_STORY_ID';
$managementClient->delete('spaces/' . $spaceId . '/stories/' . $storyId)->getCode();
// Require composer autoload
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Initialize
$client = new \Storyblok\Client('your-storyblok-private-token');
// Optionally set a cache
$client->setCache('filesytem', array('path' => 'cache'));
// Get the story searching for the slug
$data = $client->getBody();
// Get the story searching for the uuid
$data = $client->getBody();
// Require composer autoload
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Initialize
$client = new \Storyblok\Client('your-storyblok-private-token');
// Optionally set a cache
$client->setCache('filesytem', array('path' => 'cache'));
// Get all Stories that start with news
'starts_with' => 'news'
$data = $client->getStoryContent();
// Require composer autoload
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Initialize
$client = new \Storyblok\Client('your-storyblok-private-token');
// Optionally set a cache
$client->setCache('filesytem', array('path' => 'cache'));
// Get all Stories that start with news
// will return the whole response
$data = $client->getBody();
// will return as ['name']['value'] Array for easy access
$nameValueArray = $client->getAsNameValueArray();
// Require composer autoload
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Initialize
$client = new \Storyblok\Client('your-storyblok-private-token');
// Optionally set a cache
$client->setCache('filesytem', array('path' => 'cache'));
// Get all Tags
// will return the whole response
$data = $client->getBody();
// will return as ['tagName1', 'tagName2'] Array for easy access
$stringArray = $client->getAsStringArray();
// Require composer autoload
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Initialize
$client = new \Storyblok\Client('your-storyblok-private-token');
// Optionally set a cache
$client->setCache('filesytem', array('path' => 'cache'));
// Get all Tags
// Let's you acces the Headers
In order to flush the cache when the user clicks publish, you need to listen to the published event in javascript or define a webhook in the space settings that clears the cache on your server.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
storyblok.on('published', function() {
url: '/clear.php'
In clear.php:
$client = new \Storyblok\Client('your-storyblok-private-token');
$client->setCache('filesytem', array('path' => 'cache'));
// Flush the whole cache when a story has been published
// Or empty the cache for one specific item only
$tree = $client->editMode()->getLinks()->getAsTree();
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($tree as $item) {
echo '<li>' . $item['item']['name'];
if (!empty($item['children'])) {
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($item['children'] as $item2) {
echo '<li>' . $item2['item']['name'] . '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
Use the following script if you have Nginx SSI enabled and experience issues with printing the _editable html comments directly to manually parse the Storyblok HTML editable comments:
This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license